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I tried this code:

odoo.define('oepetstore.payment_widget', function (require) {

"use strict";

var payment_widget = require('account.account_payment_widget');


but I got this error: 

Missing dependencies: ["account.account_payment_widget"]

Non loaded modules: ["oepetstore.payment_widget"] 


I'm replaced var payment_widget = require('account.account_payment_widget'); by var payment_widget = require('account.payment'); and show this message in console: undefined

Can I know, even after replacing require('account.account_payment_widget') with require('account.payment') , are you getting the same error in browser console?

If you want to inherit the existing widget, then you should do it using

var PaymentWidget = core.form_widget_registry.get('payment');

var PaymentWidgetExtended = PaymentWidget.extend({



functions you want to inherit






Hi Asmita, thanks for answer the question, specifically I'm trying to inherit the ShowPaymentLineWidget defined in account.payment class in account_payment_widget.js (account module) when i try to call this class (with var payment_widget = require('account.payment');) I got this message "undefined" at console, I tried your example and this is good for me, but making a little change this way PaymentWidget.include({...})