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2 Replies

Hi everyone,

I have a situation here.If i give month name(August) and year(2016) and  5.5 (5.5 means including saturday(1/2) ) or 5 (5 means monday-friday) or 6 (6 means monday-Saturday) days/per week as input then i need to calculate total business days for that month.

Please share me if any options or functions to achieve it.Thanks in advance.

Best Answer



try this function

import calendar

def onchange_type(self,cr,uid,ids,type,month,year,context=None):

res = {}

cal = calendar.Calendar()

count = 0.0

if type and month and year:

if type == '5':

for week in cal.monthdayscalendar(int(year), int(month)):

for i, day in enumerate(week):

if i not in [5,6] and day > 0:

count += 1

elif type == '5.5':

for week in cal.monthdayscalendar(int(year), int(month)):

for i, day in enumerate(week):

if i not in [5,6] and day > 0:

count += 1

elif i == 5 and day > 0:

count += .5

elif type == '6':

for week in cal.monthdayscalendar(int(year), int(month)):

for i, day in enumerate(week):

if i not in [6] and day > 0:

count += 1

res = {'value':{

'no_of_days' : count


return res

i hope this will help you.

Best Answer

Instead of using 5, 5.5 ad 6, i would add two boolean fields on the company: is_working_saturday and is_working_sunday.

Then i would iterate over the dates and test.

if date.isoweekday() < 6:


if date.isoweekday() == 6 and company.is_working_saturday:

    total +=1

if date.isoweekday == 7 and company.is_working_sunday:

    total +=1

This is not completely clean (i leave you the enhancement to do :D), but with a code like this you would even be able to compute number of business day for a company that work on sunday, but not on saturday
