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for product in self.env['product.product'].search([('type','=','product'),('sale_ok','=',True)]):

product_qty_available = self.env['product.product'].browse( 

 qty_available = product_qty_available.with_context({'to_date': last_date_of_month,'company_id':comp_id}).qty_available


this query return me current company data not user selection company data 

where i'm wrong

what will i use sudo or else or is it possible or not ? 

note comp_id is user selected company id 

Best Answer

Hi Usman,

You can get the qty by the location of the Other Company's Warehouse.

1) Search the WH of the Other Company

2) Search the Stock Location(s) of the Other WH

3) Pass the location in the context: "self.with_context({'location': location_id})"

Hope this will help you.


your idea is working just one point i'm lack...pls correct me

warehouse_id = self.env['stock.warehouse'].sudo().search([('company_id','=',comp_id)],limit=1).id

its give me correct id when i select my own company other company when i select its give me false value why ?


your answer is very close to accpt pls review my last query

Make sure other WH has other company set in the Company field.

I think all of your WHs have single company selected. Please double check that and set the other company and then it will work.