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When I go to add a product, I get the following error:

`uom_id` failed against a constraint: Error: The default Unit of Measure and the purchase Unit of Measure must be in the same category.

I have not been able to figure out how to resolve this. - The units are the same in both the information and procurements tabs.

Odoo Version 8.0-20150522


This is a tricky one to troubleshoot and may have something to do with your configuration. Are you using the out-of-the-box units of measure and units of measure categories?


I did. I was using units. I then tried to put in a new one for pc(s) and try that. Same result.

Author Best Answer

I did. I was using units.  I then tried to put in a new one for pc(s) and try that. Same result.


I got this fixed. I had the portal user checked. Unchecked, and it works now.