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2 Replies

Hi! I have installed openerp 7 on windows 7. I did large database but i have version of openerp which does not do buckup, it is just looping doing this but doesnt dump database (known issue from june this year). Now i have synology nas with openerp 7.0 installed on my network, i checked that it is working well, it can dump databases. I want to move database from my pc to synology NAS. Is there any tool or query to dump proper database, tables... etc from my pc which i could move to my NAS using restore action in it?

Best Answer

Log into the database as an administrator through postgre Admin III and backup your database from there. You can store this backup in any folder on your system and copy to any location of your choice later on (USB stick included). If your database is a big one you might need to use an external hard-drive to move to another system if required. To restore the same database simply create a blank database with a name and restore your back-up on this new database you have created. All these will be done from postgresAdminIII. That is if your web-client is not doing the backup. Hope this would help you. You will have to make sure you have all the same modules loaded on the system you are transferring too so that all functionality work as in your original one.

When you are logged into pgAdminIII as an administrator, locate "Databases(number of databases inside)" right click and select New Database. In the pop-up window, under "Properties" tab give a name for your database in Name field, in Owner field select openpg, Encoding field select UFT8, in Tablespace field select pg_default. Leave everything else as they are then click OK. Right click on the newly created database, which should be empty and select restore. In the pop-up window, select the file which you saved as a backup (see first paragraph on back-up), click OK and that should be it. When you log into the webclient you will see the new database and the log-in details will same as the original back-up database


I did buckup with PgAdminIII but i have to use web interface on my Synology NAS and when i want to restore from backup then i get that it cant do that (of course, i made dummy database to install all necessary modules into the system)

You cannot restore a backup made from pgadmin through the web client you can only restore it into another database on pgadmin either on the same system or on your server.


unfortunately, i dont have any:) it is closed system and i have no pgadmin on it:( the only way i have is make backup from pgadminiii on my win7 pc, and use restore function from web interface on my NAS :( There is no possibility to dump data base in openerp format from pgadmin? maybe some short app or query i could write in pgadmin? hmmm... im stuck:(

Sorry thought you were using Synology NAS as a server. But you can still do the same with pgAdminIII. You can always select where the back-up is dumped when backing-up. If you follow my first post you should be able to back-up your database to any location connected to your computer or on your computer and restore it as well.

Author Best Answer

I think i was trying to do that, but backup with PgAdmin III has sooooo many options.... I have done it before but restore didnt work :( maybe i haven't set proper options... To backup i have to set options within 5 tabs in dialog window... it is too many for me to figure it out...


See my updated answer