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Is there some sort of tutorial or getting started guide for developing a PostgreSQL backed web site with the OpenERP V7 technological platform, that uses nothing of OpenERP itself?

For example, I consider the database schema to be part of OpenERP, so . . . none of it. I want to have a complete kit of database_thru_to_browser tools that depend on all the same third-party components as OpenERP (or very similar ones) but takes no code from the OpenERP code base.

I've been scoping what's required by Googling around. So far I've found:

  • Multicorn : is the HTTP server that routes connections to request handlers
  • Werkzeug : is a toolset that simplifies all the dirty work of running an app inside an HTTP server, such as mapping request URLs to functionality.
  • jQuery : is a toolset that simplifies all the dirty work of running an app inside an HTTP browser, such as (just about everything).
  • ORM : allows Python programmers to treat the database in an object-oriented fashion
  • QWeb : is the template engine, for formatting responses returned to the caller.
  • Others ???

Concerning the ORM, it seems integral to OpenERP, but can it be used on its own? If not, for my purposes, SqlAlchemy seems like the front runner as an alternative. Is there something closer? PeeWee? Storm?

Concerning QWeb, am I right that, like the ORM, it is homegrown for OpenERP, and not available elsewhere? Since, apparently, it runs entirely in the browser, with no part of it executed on the sever-side, I'd like to know if there is a way to abstract it out for use without OpenERP? If not, would Genshi be a close substitute?

Are Multicorn, Werkzeug & jQuery the only third-party products used? If not, what else is there?

The reason I ask, is I want a platform for my own work that is as similar as possible to OpenERP, but is fully independent from it. It would enable me to maintain a toolset for myself, kept small and coherent with what I do with OpenERP. It would also be a learning exercise to understand how OpenERP's third-party elements can be used separately from OpenERP.


probably this is the best starting point: but consider that openerp is needed anyway. at least the server and the base module.

Currently, in v7.0 you have Multicorn which is recommended over Gunicorn


I've edited my question to reflect your correction.

Best Answer

Have you considered Django? Also python-based, and you can use postgreSQL or MySQL as backend. is their site.

Best Answer

Is there some sort of tutorial or getting started guide for developing a PostgreSQL backed web site with the OpenERP V7 technological platform, that uses nothing of OpenERP itself?

Do you mean that you want to create a new frontend and use Openerp server? Or you are thinking on use only the database provided by Openerp and create a totally new app?


Since yours is not actually an answer, I'd suggest you delete it before someone takes a byte out of Karma points. I've answered you by clarifying my question.