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In v8, I have a related Many2many field "A".

And I have a Many2one field "B".

Field B should only show the records available in A. (It is just to choose one record from A that will be default for other things)

How can I do this in a view, and having in mind A can change?

Best Answer

try this:

domain="[('id', 'in', many2many_field[0][2])]"


Thanks, Yogesh, this solved my problem. Two questions arise: What do the [0][2] mean? And where is it documented?

Anubia, I doubt if it is documented somewhere, but it works because m2m field is computed as list of a tuple containing ids of records on 2nd index of tuple eg [(0,0,[ids_of_records])], so field_name[0][2] extracts list of ids.


Hello, again. It is working for me in xml view file. But in python is not working. How do I get the ids from a One2many or Many2many in python code? Doing ids = myobject.one2many_field, fails. Doing ids = myobject.one2many_field[0][2] fails. Always complins about expecting singleton.

line_ids = [] for line in one2many: line_ids.append( print "all ids of one2many record", line_ids # same way you can get for many2many


It fails anyway when I do "for line in one2many:". I have this: zone_ids = fields.One2many( comodel_name='', inverse_name='zip_ids', string='Zones', relation='base_zone_zip_rel', ) def get_zone_ids(self): ids = [] for rec in self.zone_ids: #


OK, solved, the problem was I was relating a One2many with a Many2many. Changed to be Many2many both and working perfectly.