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Hi every one. My question is, somehow, related to my previous question. How can i create .DAT, .csv, .ods, or even .xls , so that user can have a softcopy of the files. For example, user want to have the copy of list of all pupils in a .DAT then he can download it. Any one can help?



Thank you sir for your answer, actually i did what you have told me, but i got an error, or perhaps my code is far way from reality. I made a class named 'file.holder' just like this one:

class file_holder(osv.osv):

_name = 'file.holder'

_columns = { 'name' : fields.char('File name'),
                       'file_data' : fields.binary('File Name',filters='*.DAT',)

def get_file(self, cr, uid, context=None):

       file_path = addons.get_module_resource('mp_seven', 'files', 'studentlist.DAT')

       fo = {} fo = open(file_path,"wb")

      active_id = self.pool.get('student.student').search(cr,uid,[])

      for list in self.browse(cr,uid,active_id,context=context):

            fo.write("," self.create(cr,uid,{ 'name' : '', 'file_data' : file_path })




where addons is a folder in openerpserver-7, mp_seven is my project name, files is subfolder in my project and where studentlist.DAT resides. Whenever this method is bieng called in other class the browser/terminal says :

             file_path = addons.get_module_resource('mp_seven', 'files', 'studentlist.DAT')

NameError: global name 'addons' is not defined







Sir, this is how i implement your pseudo code, but my problem now is that my return view doesn't show anything (on my file.holder class):


def file_writer(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):

        virtual_file = StringIO.StringIO()

        student_object = self.pool.get('student.student')

        active_id =,uid,[])

        for obj_list in student_object.browse(cr,uid,active_id,context=context): 


                  self.create(cr,uid,{ 'name' : 'studentList.DAT', 'file_data' : virtual_file })

        return { 'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',

                      'res_model': 'file.holder',

                      'view_mode': 'form',

                     'view_type': 'form',

                     'views': [(False, 'form')],

                     'target': 'new', }


this is how i called it in my "student.student" class


def call_file_writer(self,cr,uid,ids,context=None):

return self.pool.get('file.holder').file_writer(cr,uid,ids,context=context)



def loadstudent(self,cr,uid,ids,context=None):


return self.call_file_writer(cr, uid, ids, context=context)


When the view is rendered, it shows only the two fields without it's object.



Best Answer

In my previous answer I explained to you how to create files in python:

In addition to this, you can also create a binary field in Odoo. If you create this field, you will allow everyone to attach files to the record the field is on. Make the file readonly for your users in order for them not to upload anything new. When creating the record for example (or when pressing save) create one of the previously mentioned virtual files and use its base64 value as value for this field. This will allow you to generate files and make them available for download by your users.



I believe you did not quite understand what I meant. Something in the likes of the following should help you out:

  • import stringio (default python lib)
  • Then create an instance of StringIO (somefile = StringIO())
  • No need for path and such. Just edit as though it was a regular file. (somefile.write("All my contents go here"))
  • When you have that file in memory, write its contents directly to the field in your OpenERP instance. ( self.pool.get(file.holder').create(cr, uid, {'name': 'My super file', 'my_binary_field': somefile)}
  • Mind you, this is PSEUDO CODE, not real interpretation. 

Thank you sir for your answer, actually i did what you have told me, but i got an error, or perhaps my code is far way from reality. I made a class named 'file.holder' just like this one: class file_holder(osv.osv): _name = 'file.holder' _columns = { 'name' : fields.char('File name'), 'file_data' : fields.binary('File Name',filters='*.DAT',) } def get_file(self, cr, uid, context=None): file_path = addons.get_module_resource('mp_seven', 'files', 'studentlist.DAT') fo = {} fo = open(file_path,"wb") active_id = self.pool.get('student.student').search(cr,uid,[]) for list in self.browse(cr,uid,active_id,context=context): fo.write("," self.create(cr,uid,{ 'name' : '', 'file_data' : file_path }) return'base64') file_holder() where addons is a folder in openerpserver-7, mp_seven is my project name, files is subfolder in my project and where studentlist.DAT resides. Whenever this method is bieng called in other class the browser/terminal says : file_path = addons.get_module_resource('mp_seven', 'files', 'studentlist.DAT') NameError: global name 'addons' is not defined

Hi anirudh. Please update your initial question with the code above. Currently it is unreadable for us.


sir i have modify the above comment here is the link for the above:

You Created a new question, which was not the purpose of my answer. I deleted the question and edited this current question. I will update my answer.


Thank you very much sir for your help, it really works. I have seen the file being created in my database. Since you have helped me, can i ask bonus help? How can i make the file downloadable? I mean, The button w/c is responsible for the file creation is named 'Create .DAT file'. Now at the same time, i want that the download pop up message appears automatically. Is it possible to do it?

You are very welcome. I think your best bet is to provide a certain tag in the XML view. I believe it is class="oe_link". That should create a link out of the file, like you would with the tag in regular HTML.


Do you mean sir, i'll put class="oe_link" on my button? just like this one: . I did this but nothing popped up, but it persist on the database.

Hehe, no I meant on the binary field in the XML. That way instead of showing the buttons, it will just create a link out of the file. I do not know of a way to present a dialog to the user right after creating the file, so this would be my alternative.


Hmp? Do you mean sir, i'll put class="oe_link" on file_data in xml view? Sir, i have no view for my file.holder class. Actually, my project would behave like this, In my student list view i created 'Create .DAT file' button that calls file_writer method in my 'file.holder' class. My aim is that when user clicks that butoon, the system will show/allow the user to download the .DAT file. Just like how Print sidebar behave.


I am not so sure, if it involves javascript manipulation.

I'm sorry but I can't help you with that. I see now that my recommendation does not work in your case. Javascript is not my strong point here. The only thing I can image to try is using the button to open a view itself for the 'file.holder' class. This can be a temporary view and pre filled, but I'm not sure that fits your business needs. Good luck!


Nope sir, you really help me and it is a big addition on my knowledge in openerp and in python and I must thank you for that. I feel that i am indebited to you. :) Although, i was not able to make it now but hopefully someday i'm gonna make it. Thanks a lot sir.

You are very welcome. If you manage to get the answer to your question, don't hesitate to update the question and show the others on the board what it was.


Sir, this is how i implement your pseudo code, but my problem now is that my return view doesn't show anything: def file_writer(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): virtual_file = StringIO.StringIO() student_object = self.pool.get('student.student') active_id =,uid,[]) for obj_list in student_object.browse(cr,uid,active_id,context=context): virtual_file.write(str(obj_list.last_name)+","+str(obj_list.first_name)+","+str(obj_list.middle_name)) self.create(cr,uid,{ 'name' : 'studentList.DAT', 'file_data' : virtual_file }) return { 'type': 'ir.actions.act_window', 'res_model': 'file.holder', 'view_mode': 'form', 'view_type': 'form', 'views': [(False, 'form')], 'target': 'new', } this is how i called it in my "student.student" class def call_file_writer(self,cr,uid,ids,context=None): return self.pool.get('file.holder').file_writer(cr,uid,ids,context=context) def loadstudent(self,cr,uid,ids,context=None): ..... return self.call_file_writer(cr, uid, ids, context=context) When the view is rendered, it shows only the two fields without it's object.

I think it is best to create a new question for this. Post the code and we will see whoever can pick it up best.


I have edited my post question sir.