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I think the below query is used to print the partner wise partner ledger report. How to modify the query to print a salesperson wise partner ledger report? What extra things should I do?

class ReportPartnerLedger(models.AbstractModel):
_inherit = 'report.account.report_partnerledger'
def render_html(self, docids, data=None):
        query_get_data = self.env['account.move.line'].with_context(data['form'].get('used_context', {}))._query_get()
        reconcile_clause = "" if data['form']['reconciled'] else ' AND "account_move_line".reconciled = false
        query =
        """SELECT DISTINCT "account_move_line".partner_id
         FROM """ + query_get_data[0] + """, account_account AS account, account_move AS am
         WHERE "account_move_line".partner_id IS NOT NULL
        AND "account_move_line".account_id =
        AND = "account_move_line".move_id
        AND am.state IN %s
        AND "account_move_line".account_id IN %s
         AND NOT account.deprecated
         AND """ + query_get_data[1] + reconcile_clause


The query seems to be from this module : ,

For you to change this filter to saleperson , account_move_line object have no field sale person, instead you have invoice id, from this invoice id you can get the sales person , invoice_id.user_id