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2 Replies

In Odoo 8:

When a sales order is received, warehouse automatically receives the required operations.

However, if there is not enough stock warehouse can not complete the operation and procurement is not automatically notified.

I would like to know what is needed to automatically raise a RFQ (in draft mode) so the purchase staff can see immediatelly that a procurement action is required through an automatic pre-configured RFQ with the requiered quantities.

So if 1000 units of product A are needed and there are 500 units in stock, a 500 units RFQ will be launched against the supplier.

Author Best Answer

Regarding Peter's comment, in v8 it seems that there is just "buy" and "make to order", I did not see any "make to stock" option.

Same for "just in time procurement", I can't find where to apply that.


Note for latest comments: I think there is no longer "make to stock" in v8 but "buy" or "make to order", but defining "buy", applying JIT and defining reordering rules can fix this.


you can enable JIT procurement in Settings -> Warehouse. I think MTS must be the default procurement, so uncheck MTO (yes, my answer was for v7).

Best Answer

Define reordering rules for products of type "make to stock". Then use the just in time procurement.
