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4 Replies


I am trying to connect to MS SQL Server from

I tried several libraries which I found either not working or discontinued.

I tried (pymssql) , but it is discountined.
I tried (pyodbc), it worked fine on my windows testing machine, but got an issue publishing it to my account because I can't install this library there as I need root permissions which is not available for accounts.

I tried other libraries and I am getting errors during installation!

Would you please tell me about about a good library that will enable me to connect to MS SQL Server from

Thank you in advance!


Thank you Niyas for your reply.

I meant in my question that I am looking for a specific library that will enable me to connect to MS SQL Server from

Best Answer


Add a requirement.txt file to your module and specify the packages you need to install, it will work.

From Doc:

Python dependencies:

You can define requirements.txt files in your branch holding the python dependencies your project relies on. These requirements files can be placed in the root of the folders containing your addons. The platform will then install the dependencies for each build.

System dependencies:

This is currently not possible to install system packages (e.g. apt packages).

Nevertheless, if the package could be useful for more than one project, we will consider to install it by default in the containers images if the package meets the following requirements:

  • there should be not conflict with the rest of the packages
  • the software should not run as a long running service or daemon
  • no elevated privileges or additional system user should be required
  • the software should not directly or indirectly represent a security attack vector
  • the software should run flawlessly in a constrained linux namespace environment with cgroup limits on memory, processes, threads, files, ... (this excludes greedy VMs such as java)
Same goes for python modules requiring system packages for their compilation. In such a case, leave us a feedback and provide us with some details about your use-case.

Please note that accepted system packages will be kept as long as the above conditions are met. Should a conflict arise when the platform is moving to a more recent OS distribution, it may be removed.

Read more:



I am sorry I am posting this again.

Thank you Niyas for your reply.

I meant in my question that I am looking for a specific library that will enable me to connect to MS SQL Server from

Still this will work pymssql