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12 Replies

I want to code a server action for updating some custom (extended) field on account.invoice (Odoo11)
My custom fields are a boolean and a text(string).

So far until now, i have found and adapted this

    <record model="ir.actions.server" id="my_act_serv_id">
      <field name="name">My action Name</field>
      <field name="model_id" ref="model_account_invoice"/>
      <field name="state">code</field>
      <field name="code">
        action = {}

Now i don't understand how to update my extended fields. I guess I should put python code inside "action{}" but will it be enough to write

action={[('my_custom_boolean', '=', True), ('my_custom_text','=','action_response_text')]}

How do I call and write my extended fields?

I would very much appreciate any info relevant to this, since on the documentation i found definition for method but very few examples on how to execute them.
Would you also kindly not tell me to do this by Odoo developer tools? I would like to do this by code. Thanks in advance.


Here's the complete code if you feel like forking it. I currently have it at this level


<record model="ir.actions.server" id="x_nc_act_serv_fact">

<field name="name">Enviar Factura</field>

<field name="model_id" ref="model_account_invoice"/>

<field name="sequence">1</field>

<field name="type">ir.actions.server</field>

<field name="state">code</field>

<field name="code">

action = self.x_nc_met_fac()



from odoo import models, fields, api, _

class myclasscust(models.Model):

_inherit = 'account.invoice'

x_nc_fld_det_fact = fields.Text('Detalle Enviado', default="Envío pendiente")

x_nc_fld_fact = fields.Boolean(default=False,





def x_nc_met_fac(self):

self.x_nc_fld_fact = True

self.x_nc_fld_det_fact = 'Factura homologada'

This code generates a new server action. But it does nothing. So i guess the framework of the server action is correct, but the code inside it is not.

I am trying to call it from a button and testing it by type=object and type=action. None of them seem to make the action work.


With the button type=action it returns nothing, but with type=object Odoo returns the following error:

File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/odoo/", line 685, in call_kw

method = getattr(type(model), name)

AttributeError: type object 'account.invoice' has no attribute 'Enviar Factura'

Author Best Answer

Ok, I was finally able to do what I wanted initially. I'll explain how now.

1: Always separate each type of object you might normally define inside views.xml

Normally you would code your standard objects on the views.xml file, but I strongly recommend you guys to always separate them, so you can call them from the mainfest in an order that doesn't compromise your module at the moment of its build into your Odoo server. Create a .xml for each type of action you are creating. (1 .xml for action.server, another for action.views and so).  Create a .xml for each type of view, menu, etc you require.

2.Always use spaces for indentation, do not use TAB

I don't know why, but it was a pain to know the reason why some of the methods inside my weren't being called was because I was using TAB instead of "spaces". I know it sounds illogical. But hear me out. If your method is not being recognizable by Odoo, check out you are using spaces instead of tabulation spaces.

3. If you want to do the same as me, here's my code for updating extended fields on 'account.invoice'

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from odoo import models, fields, api, _
class YourClass(models.Model):
    _inherit = 'account.invoice'  
    x_text_fld = fields.Text('attribute text1', default="default value")
    x_boo_fld = fields.Boolean(default=False, string='attribute text2', readonly=True, help='define help here')
    def x_method(self):
        for rec in self:
            self.x_boo_fld = True
            self.x_text_fld = 'my custom text'

actionServer.xml (views.xml)

<field name="name">myAction</field>
  if records: 
  action = records.x_method()

Then on the button inside my formViews.xml: (views.xml)

            <fieldname= "arch"type = "xml">
attrs="{'invisible':['|',('sent','=',True), ('state', 'not in', ('open','paid'))]}"/>
</header>                ...

Needless to say I did this button to be shown on a custom form view. I hope people can get a good example with my code. I tested it several times on clean Odoo instances and it works. So good luck.

Best Answer

Try with small fixes:

            <field name="code">
                if records: 
                   action = records.x_nc_met_fac()

and ... if @api.multi


def x_nc_met_fac(self):

for rec in self:

     rec.x_nc_fld_fact = True

    rec.x_nc_fld_det_fact = 'Factura homologada'


Now it returns this

File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/odoo/tools/", line 373, in safe_eval

pycompat.reraise(ValueError, ValueError('%s: "%s" while evaluating\n%r' % (ustr(type(e)), ustr(e), expr)), exc_info[2])

File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/odoo/tools/", line 86, in reraise

raise value.with_traceback(tb)

File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/odoo/tools/", line 350, in safe_eval

return unsafe_eval(c, globals_dict, locals_dict)

File "", line 2, in <module>

ValueError: <class 'AttributeError'>: "'account.invoice' object has no attribute 'x_nc_met_fac'" while evaluating

'if records: \n action = records.x_nc_met_fac()'

Which means it expects attributes instead of methods when calling records.x_nc_met_fact()

You verify a odoo log, probably is syntax error or similar in your module.

PS. In python methods are attributes too.


It's weird. Since i went and asked the python community if my indentation on my script was correct and they said it was nice. So i don't think it's the indentation But yet again, Odoo differs.


@Zbik I kind of know what the issue might be. The thing is that I am trying to extend a method to account.invoice and I am not doing it correctly. So account.invoice doesn't have the method i defined there. In order for it to be a extended method of account.invoice i might need to make something like

class MyClass(StandardClass):

def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):

super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

That way I should be able to define correctly an extended method for account.invoice

At least that's what I think. I hope I'm right.

No, inherithing in Odoo should like this:

class AccountInvoice(models.Model):

_inherit = "account.invoice"

def your_method(self):


Your example is ok, too.

Copy your log.


I'm sorry but before that, I created a new Odoo DB and installed "invoice management" module and "sales" module then proceed to install my module. It won't install, it's saying indentation in my is wrong inside my method. I cannot do the indentation correctly on these comments. So I'll comment an answer for you to see it. @Zbik


@Zbik I'm sorry i didn't respond before. But I was trying to resolve error, after error. I was finally able to do what I wanted. I'll post the answer now. ty~