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I have a calendar view which displays apointment deatils for the customer.I want to edit my calendar view so that it will call a python function when i click on a perticular appointment created.Any one please help me

Best Answer


Direct Python function calling upon click on Calender view, its not possible. The reason of that is Odoo is a total distributed, 3 tire architecture. You need to use standard API functions.

Can you explain your requirement in details and tell me what do you exactly want ? So I can assist you better.

One example of how you can achieve your purpose. 

1) You can ineherit Create method in your module, so when any appointment created your python function will be called.

2) You can ineherit Write method in your module, so when any appointment edited your python function will be called and in that function, you can write your custom code.

Waiting for your answer.


Hi Hiren thanks for your quick reply. I want to pop up my custom template when i click on my calendar view.Now i loads my custom template on side bar label action click.i am pasting my code here Create appointment.action and my java script is instance.web.client_actions.add('appointment.action', 'instance.Appointment'); instance.Appointment = instance.web.Widget.extend({ start: function() { ...................... .............................. self.$el.append(QWeb.render("Customer",{products:self.products,departments:self.departments,states:self.states,sales_reps:self.sales_reps,sequence:self.sequence,staff_id:self.staff_id,model:model1, 'showroom':self.showroom,'state':self.state,'employee_id':self.employee_id,'showrooms_for_state':self.showrooms_for_state})); }); Can you please help me!!


any updates


Actually i want to load my custom template when i click on my calendar view