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Hi, I want to do how to attach wizard report's report automatically in mail, In that wizard i have two fields Date from and Date to, my concept is Date From to To Date to will send to particular user's mail, I have 2 buttons in wizard report one for Print another one for Send by mail, when click on the send to mail user can select the users and send, how to do it in OpenERP7. This is my following code.

 def send_mail(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
        email_template_obj = self.pool.get('email.template')
        template_ids =, uid, [('model_id.model', '=','')], context=context)
        print template_ids,"%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%5"
        if template_ids:
              values = email_template_obj.generate_email(cr, uid, template_ids[0], ids, context=context)
              print values,"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`"
              val = values.get('subject')
              val1 = values.get('email_to')
              val2 = values.get('body_html')
              val3 = values.get('body_html')
              val4 = values.get('attachments')
              values['subject'] = val
              values['email_to'] = val1
              values['body_html'] = val2
              values['body'] = val3
              values['res_id'] = False
              values['attachment_ids'] = val4
              mail_mail_obj = self.pool.get('mail.mail')
              print values,'$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$'
              msg_id = mail_mail_obj.create(cr, uid, values, context=context)
              print msg_id,"/////////////////////////////////"
              if msg_id:
                    mail_mail_obj.send(cr, uid, [msg_id], context=context)
        return True

it is correct or need some changes, it make error.

Xml is

<record id="email_template_edi_quality" model="email.template">
            <field name="name">Quality Report - Send by Email (Portalsssssss)</field>
            <field name="email_from"></field>
            <field name="subject">${( or 'Sridhar')}</field>
            <field name="email_recipients"></field>
            <field name="model_id" ref="vv_quality.model_quality_control"/>
            <field name="auto_delete" eval="True"/>
            <field name="report_template" ref="quality_control_report"/>
            <field name="report_name">${( or 'NNNNNN')}</field>
            <field name="lang"></field>
            <field name="body_html"> Successs</field>

when i open this wizard or value only coming, is not calling or empty why.


In the wizard send email button to add in the code will send email with attachment.

In the above code have you received email?.. In your case the attachment document Is it available in the ir_attachment table?...

save your record in the ir_attachment and pass the attachment ID in the mail obj. (already the above code is working in the way). For example in the above code ir_attachment.create(cursor, uid, attachment_data, context=context) # Create date in ir_attachment with document

sorry currently i have not code. Your code looking correct make sure attachment table created. or testing purpose pass the attachment_ids directly into attachment_ids: [(6, 0, [1])]


when i composing mail there is no attachment then only send_mail function will call is it correct.

In the wizard send mail button clicked the send_mail function call. If attachment ids find it will send email with attachment otherwise send email without attachment


Prakash, i attached the report successfully, but when i click on the send_mail method it make error, how to fix it. result[message['id']] = self.pool.get(message['model']).name_get(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, [message['res_id']], context=context)[0][1] IndexError: list index out of range.

For testing purpose you add recipients details and other details manually and check have u receive email with attachment?...

Best Answer

Try the below code:-

Without using Email Template:-

    def custom_send_email (self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
        mail_mail = self.pool.get('mail.mail')
        att_obj = self.pool.get('ir.attachment')
        for send in self.browse (cr, uid, ids, context = context):
            mail_ids = []
            attachment_ids = []
            email_to =  # your object Mail ID
            attachment_data = {
                'name': "Report Data",
                'datas_fname': send.filename, # your object File Name
                'db_datas':,  # your object Data
            attachment_ids.append (att_obj.create(cr, uid, attachment_data, context=context))
            subject = "Report Email: Ref-" + str (send.invoice_id.origin or '') # # your object Name ref
            body = """Hello,

FROM OpenERP SYSTEM. Please ignore

Kind regards.
OpenERP Team.
            mail_ids.append (mail_mail.create(cr, uid,
                   'email_to': email_to,
                   'subject': subject,
                   'body_html': '<pre>%s</pre>' % body,
                }, context = context))
            if attachment_ids:
                mail_mail.write(cr, uid, mail_ids, {'attachment_ids': [(6, 0, attachment_ids)]}, context=context)
            mail_mail.send (cr, uid, mail_ids, context = context)

        return {'type': 'ir.actions.act_window_close'}

xml File

 <button name="custom_send_email" string="Send Email" type="object" class="oe_highlight"/>

With using Email Template

def send_mail(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
        email_template_obj = self.pool.get('email.template')
        template_ids =, uid, [('model_id.model', '=','')], context=context)
        print template_ids,"%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%5"
        if template_ids:
              values = email_template_obj.generate_email(cr, uid, template_ids[0], ids, context=context)
              print values,"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`"
              val = values.get('subject')
              val1 = values.get('email_to')
              val2 = values.get('body_html')
              val3 = values.get('body_html')
              val4 = values.get('attachments')
              values['subject'] = val
              values['email_to'] = val1
              values['body_html'] = val2
              values['body'] = val3
              values['res_id'] = False
              #values['attachment_ids'] = val4
             # check the val4 value print val4 its equal [ interger id value ]
              values['attachment_ids'] = [(6, 0, val4)]
              mail_mail_obj = self.pool.get('mail.mail')
              print values,'$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$'
              msg_id = mail_mail_obj.create(cr, uid, values, context=context)
              print msg_id,"/////////////////////////////////"
              if msg_id:
                    mail_mail_obj.send(cr, uid, [msg_id], context=context)
        return True

Hi Sridhar, In my code for sending email. Email Template is not used after clicking the custom wizard "Send Email" button it will send email (without using template). Suppose if you are using Email Template and default "Send" button options used i thing no need write to code. (Default options will works in template need to select document manually or set).


By the basic function, it make error AttributeError: '' object has no attribute 'message_post', so i did some changes now email send but no attachment are received.

I update my code use attachment ids Example: [(6, 0, [1])]

Testing purpose set val4 = [(6, 0, [1])] # make sure id 1 is available in the ir_attachment table and let me know mail received with attachment

Options 1) check pg_admin tools select * from ir_attachment use the ir_attachment id value. If table empty attached any record and used saved ID. Options 2) remove the code val4 attacment ids in the email template manually attached the record and send email


Thank you attachment received but one problem i put that val4 = [(6, 0, [116])] it is the id of ir.attachment. how to do it.

using create method store your attachment in ir_attachment table. and pass the create method return id value to [(6, 0, attachment_ids)]. Based on this code available in the above Example Without using Email Template:-

Let me know For all the customer send email u are using the same attachment (id 116)?.... or attachment will be differ based on customer?...


Actually this is wizard report, user select from date and to date, and press send mail button, then one wizard will open that is compose mail wizard here all the values are come based on Email Template attachment also based on particular date report. every month report is changed.

based on this already code is available in the example Without using Email Template. Create record in ir_attachment table and pass the value.


where is that code, that code can fulfill my requirement?


I going to take this way, i spend lot of days to this concept if i take that code means it take extra days, i got one concept from this in the send mail function res_id = False, here i'm going to pass the mail.compose.message then easily i got a link from that.


my concept went wrong, how to do it, what is the link between mail.compose.message and ir.attachment.

Author table is a relation of the two table, attachment_id is there, how to pass the value in values['attachment_ids'] = [(6, 0, [116])]. 116 as that id is correct.

mail_mail.write(cr, uid, mail_ids, {'attachment_ids': [(6, 0, attachment_ids)]}, context=context)


abc = mail_mail_obj.write(cr, uid, values, {'attachment_ids': [(6, 0, attachment_ids)]}, context=context) NameError: global name 'attachment_ids' is not defined, i got error, please update as a answer.

Already is there Refer the above code (Without using Email Template)

In the code 1) attachment_ids = [] # define 2) attachment_data = { 'name': "Report Data", 'datas_fname': send.filename, # your object File Name 'db_datas':, # your object Data } attachment_ids.append (att_obj.create(cr, uid, attachment_data, context=context)) 3) mail_mail.write(cr, uid, mail_ids, {'attachment_ids': [(6, 0, attachment_ids)]}, context=context)


'datas_fname': send.filename, # your object File Name 'db_datas':, # your object Data i didn't get that, see my code where i give this, i confused.

give me more details about report object name, Is it pdf report? how to print the report manually using menu options?..


Yes pdf report, Actually values calling from the jasper report, why i give the object name.


Now problem solved, Thank you very much.