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10 Replies

as we cant add radio btn directly . in several post i saw it can be addd by widget so how and where i can add radio widget

Best Answer

Hello Faizan,

There is no radio button widget available in v7.

You can get only drop down widget for both selection and many2one fields. However, in v8, there will be a new radio button widget that can be used in view using widget="radio" attribute.

The new radio widget is available now in trunk branch.

Thank you.

Best Answer

There is no radio button widget in v7, but you can add it using widget="radio" attribute.

First you create your own widget [like selection widget] then add python code and XML code like below:

Python Code :

 'syllabus': fields.selection([('one','One'),('two','Two')],'Syllabus'),

XML Code :

<field name="syllabus" widget="radio"/>

Hope It Helps You More !!!

Thanks !


I think you mean this is possible only in v8.0 which is not released yet.

Best Answer

Create Sample module web_widget_radio

1) Required files

2) Add following in

'js': ['static/src/js/widget_radio.js'],
'qweb': ['static/src/xml/widget_radio.xml'],

3) Add following code in static/src/xml/widget_radio.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<templates id="template" xml:space="preserve">
<t t-name="FieldRadio">
    <span t-attf-class="oe_form_field oe_form_field_radio #{widget.options.horizontal ? 'oe_horizontal' : 'oe_vertical'}" t-att-style="">
        <span t-if="!widget.get('effective_readonly')">
            <t t-if="widget.options.horizontal">
                <t t-set="width" t-value="Math.floor(100 / widget.selection.length)"/>
                <t t-if="!widget.options.no_radiolabel">
                    <t t-foreach="widget.selection" t-as="selection">
                        <label t-att-for="widget.uniqueId + '_' + selection[0]" t-att-style="'width: ' + width + '%;'"><t t-esc="selection[1]"/></label>
                <t t-foreach="widget.selection" t-as="selection">
                    <div t-att-style="'width: ' + width + '%;'">
                        <span class="oe_radio_input"><input type="radio" t-att-name="widget.uniqueId" t-att-id="widget.uniqueId + '_' + selection[0]" t-att-value="selection[0]"/></span>
            <t t-if="!widget.options.horizontal">
                   <t t-foreach="widget.selection" t-as="selection">
                        <span class="oe_radio_input"><input type="radio" t-att-id="widget.uniqueId + '_' + selection[0]" t-att-name="widget.uniqueId" t-att-value="selection[0]"/></span><label t-if="!widget.options.no_radiolabel" t-att-for="widget.uniqueId + '_' + selection[0]"><t t-esc="selection[1]"/></label>

        <span t-if="widget.get('effective_readonly')" class="oe_radio_readonly"><t t-esc="widget.get('value')[1]"/></span>

4) Add following code in static/src/js/widget_radio.js

openerp.web_widget_radio = function (instance)
    instance.web.form.widgets.add('radio', 'instance.web_widget_radio.FieldRadio');
    instance.web_widget_radio.FieldRadio = instance.web.form.AbstractField.extend(instance.web.form.ReinitializeFieldMixin, {
        template: 'FieldRadio',
        events: {
            'click input': 'click_change_value'
        init: function(field_manager, node) {
            /* Radio button widget: Attributes options:
            * - "horizontal" to display in column
            * - "no_radiolabel" don't display text values
            this._super(field_manager, node);
            this.selection = _.clone(this.field.selection) || [];
            this.domain = false;
        initialize_content: function () {
            this.uniqueId = _.uniqueId("radio");
            this.on("change:effective_readonly", this, this.render_value);
            this.field_manager.on("view_content_has_changed", this, this.get_selection);
        click_change_value: function (event) {
            var val = $(;
            val = this.field.type == "selection" ? val : +val;
            if (val == this.get_value()) {
            } else {
        /** Get the selection and render it
         *  selection: [[identifier, value_to_display], ...]
         *  For selection fields: this is directly given by this.field.selection
         *  For many2one fields:  perform a search on the relation of the many2one field
        get_selection: function() {
            var self = this;
            var selection = [];
            var def = $.Deferred();
            if (self.field.type == "many2one") {
                var domain = instance.web.pyeval.eval('domain', this.build_domain()) || [];
                if (! _.isEqual(self.domain, domain)) {
                    self.domain = domain;
                    var ds = new instance.web.DataSetStatic(self, self.field.relation, self.build_context());
          'search', [self.domain])
                        .then(function (records) {
                            ds.name_get(records).then(function (records) {
                                selection = records;
                } else {
                    selection = self.selection;
            else if (self.field.type == "selection") {
                selection = self.field.selection || [];
            return def.then(function () {
                if (! _.isEqual(selection, self.selection)) {
                    self.selection = _.clone(selection);
        set_value: function (value_) {
            if (value_) {
                if (this.field.type == "selection") {
                    value_ = _.find(this.field.selection, function (sel) { return sel[0] == value_;});
                else if (!this.selection.length) {
                    this.selection = [value_];
        get_value: function () {
            var value = this.get('value');
            return value instanceof Array ? value[0] : value;
        render_value: function () {
            var self = this;
            this.$el.toggleClass("oe_readonly", this.get('effective_readonly'));
            this.$("input:checked").prop("checked", false);
            if (this.get_value()) {
                this.$("input").filter(function () {return this.value == self.get_value();}).prop("checked", true);
                this.$(".oe_radio_readonly").text(this.get('value') ? this.get('value')[1] : "");

5) Once files are created install the module.Once installation is complete you have done 80% of creating Radio button

6) Few more steps to get 100%

Create Selection field in

IS_OBSTRUCTED = [ ('yes', 'YES'), ('no', 'NO'), ]

class your_module(osv.osv):
    _name = "your.module"  
    _description = "Your module Description"
    _columns = {
                'is_obstructed':fields.selection(IS_OBSTRUCTED,'Obstructed View?'),

Create filed view in XML

    <field name="is_obstructed" widget="radio"/>
Best Answer

Thank u its working

Author Best Answer

i got it.. when i download the new version 8 from

and change the view file code to <field name="syllabus" widget="radio"/>

then radio btn appears..

thanks for your answers


Please, go to the first answer and set it as correct (click on grey circle that become green). Thanks.

How to assign a value for widget= radio using xml

Best Answer

It is possible follow this steps and achieve it.

  1. Create file structure given below Create flolder and name web_widget_radio static/src/js/widget_radio.js static/src/xml/widget_radio.xml

  2. Add these two lines in 'js': ['static/src/js/widget_radio.js'], 'qweb': ['static/src/xml/widget_radio.xml'], Make empty file

  3. Add following code in static/src/xml/widget_radio.xml <templates id="template" xml:space="preserve"> <t t-name="FieldRadio"> <t t-if="widget.options.horizontal"> <t t-set="width" t-value="Math.floor(100 / widget.selection.length)"/> <t t-if="!widget.options.no_radiolabel"> <t t-foreach="widget.selection" t-as="selection"> <label t-att-for="widget.uniqueId + '_' + selection[0]" t-att-style="'width: ' + width + '%;'"><t t-esc="selection[1]"/></label> </t>
    </t> <t t-foreach="widget.selection" t-as="selection">

    <input type="radio" t-att-name="widget.uniqueId" t-att-id="widget.uniqueId + '_' + selection[0]" t-att-value="selection[0]"/>
    </t> </t> <t t-if="!widget.options.horizontal"> <html> <t t-foreach="widget.selection" t-as="selection"> <input type="radio" t-att-id="widget.uniqueId + '_' + selection[0]" t-att-name="widget.uniqueId" t-att-value="selection[0]"/><label t-if="!widget.options.no_radiolabel" t-att-for="widget.uniqueId + '_' + selection[0]"><t t-esc="selection[1]"/></label> </t> </html>

        <span t-if="widget.get('effective_readonly')" class="oe_radio_readonly"><t t-esc="widget.get('value')[1]"/></span>

    </t> </templates>

  4. Add following script in static/src/js/widget_radio.js openerp.web_widget_radio = function (instance) { instance.web.form.widgets.add('radio', 'instance.web_widget_radio.FieldRadio'); instance.web_widget_radio.FieldRadio = instance.web.form.AbstractField.extend(instance.web.form.ReinitializeFieldMixin, { template: 'FieldRadio', events: { 'click input': 'click_change_value' }, init: function(field_manager, node) { /* Radio button widget: Attributes options: * - "horizontal" to display in column * - "no_radiolabel" don't display text values / this._super(field_manager, node); this.selection = _.clone(this.field.selection) || []; this.domain = false; }, initialize_content: function () { this.uniqueId = _.uniqueId("radio"); this.on("change:effective_readonly", this, this.render_value); this.field_manager.on("view_content_has_changed", this, this.get_selection); this.get_selection(); }, click_change_value: function (event) { var val = $(; val = this.field.type == "selection" ? val : +val; if (val == this.get_value()) { this.set_value(false); } else { this.set_value(val); } }, /* Get the selection and render it * selection: [[identifier, value_to_display], ...] * For selection fields: this is directly given by this.field.selection * For many2one fields: perform a search on the relation of the many2one field */ get_selection: function() { var self = this; var selection = []; var def = $.Deferred(); if (self.field.type == "many2one") { var domain = instance.web.pyeval.eval('domain', this.build_domain()) || []; if (! _.isEqual(self.domain, domain)) { self.domain = domain; var ds = new instance.web.DataSetStatic(self, self.field.relation, self.build_context());'search', [self.domain]) .then(function (records) { ds.name_get(records).then(function (records) { selection = records; def.resolve(); }); }); } else { selection = self.selection; def.resolve(); } } else if (self.field.type == "selection") { selection = self.field.selection || []; def.resolve(); } return def.then(function () { if (! _.isEqual(selection, self.selection)) { self.selection = _.clone(selection); self.renderElement(); self.render_value(); } }); }, set_value: function (value_) { if (value_) { if (this.field.type == "selection") { value_ = _.find(this.field.selection, function (sel) { return sel[0] == value_;}); } else if (!this.selection.length) { this.selection = [value_]; } } this._super(value_); }, get_value: function () { var value = this.get('value'); return value instanceof Array ? value[0] : value; }, render_value: function () { var self = this; this.$el.toggleClass("oe_readonly", this.get('effective_readonly')); this.$("input:checked").prop("checked", false); if (this.get_value()) { this.$("input").filter(function () {return this.value == self.get_value();}).prop("checked", true); this.$(".oe_radio_readonly").text(this.get('value') ? this.get('value')[1] : ""); } } }); }; Finally save all files and restart server and install this module once get installed

    1. How to use it in your view Create module and open your file Create selection field IS_OBSTRUCTED = [ ('yes', 'YES'), ('no', 'NO'), ]

Finally OpenERP 7.0 allows you to create radio button
