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4 Replies


I want insert image in product using xmlrpc, so how to pass data in php call to insert product image?? i have try to pass data like in point_of_sale_data.xml but it give me error cannot identify image file

Thanks jagdish

Best Answer
  • rename the image files according to your products (<product-code>.jpg or <id>.jpg)
  • Write a short python script which loops over the image files, encode with base64 and write to OpenERP with XMLRPC

# get file
yourImage = request.files.get('product1.jpg')
# read it
image =
# encode it base64
imageBase64 = base64.b64encode(image)
# now pass it to your XMLRPC call

I hope that will help you :)


Thank Alain, for great answer. Can you please tell how to read image from xml rpc. I have created custom module in openerp v7 and I want to fetch value of that module in my website using django. I am able to fetch all text field, but not able to get image. While fetching image (binary field) it gives value probably b64encoded. I don't know to make that image visible without storing image data. Is there any direct way to access image url of openerp module. Can you please guide me ? Thanks for your time and help.

Best Answer

Currently, to get the product image as url, we could use:

from import image_data_uri

product_image = image_data_uri(product.image_1920)

In my case,  product.image_1920 is the column of saved product image, you can replace it with your column to make it work.

Note: after get  product_image, you can see it still look like base64 encrypted format, but it's not, try to paste it to web browser such as Chrome, and you will see the image appear.

Best Answer

To resolve the 

TypeError: 'Binary' object is not subscriptable

error, use the decode('ascii') method:

with open("image.jpg", "rb") as img:
    b64_image = base64.b64encode(
data = {'image_1920': b64_image.decode('ascii')}

Best Answer

Thanks Alain. The code I am using to write through the 

execute('res.partner''write', [6], {'image': imageBase64})

 Or using OdooRPC

model.browse(6).write({'image': imageBase64)

In both cases I get the following error:

xmlrpc.client.Fault: <Fault 'Binary' object is not subscriptable: 'Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/odoo/odoo12/odoo/odoo/addons/base/controllers/", line 60, in xmlrpc_1
response = self._xmlrpc(service)
File "/home/odoo/odoo12/odoo/odoo/addons/base/controllers/", line 49, in _xmlrpc
result = dispatch_rpc(service, method, params)
File "/home/odoo/odoo12/odoo/odoo/", line 120, in dispatch_rpc
result = dispatch(method, params)
File "/home/odoo/odoo12/odoo/odoo/service/", line 40, in dispatch
res = fn(db, uid, *params)
File "/home/odoo/odoo12/odoo/odoo/service/", line 98, in wrapper
return f(dbname, *args, **kwargs)
File "/home/odoo/odoo12/odoo/odoo/service/", line 185, in execute
res = execute_cr(cr, uid, obj, method, *args, **kw)
File "/home/odoo/odoo12/odoo/odoo/service/", line 169, in execute_cr
result = odoo.api.call_kw(recs, method, args, kw)
File "/home/odoo/odoo12/odoo/odoo/", line 759, in call_kw
return _call_kw_multi(method, model, args, kwargs)
File "/home/odoo/odoo12/odoo/odoo/", line 746, in _call_kw_multi
result = method(recs, *args, **kwargs)
File "/home/odoo/odoo12/odoo/addons/partner_autocomplete/models/", line 183, in write
res = super(ResPartner, self).write(values)
File "/home/odoo/odoo12/odoo/odoo/addons/base/models/", line 563, in write
tools.image_resize_images(vals, sizes={'image': (1024, None)})
File "/home/odoo/odoo12/odoo/odoo/tools/", line 302, in image_resize_images
File "/home/odoo/odoo12/odoo/odoo/tools/", line 292, in image_get_resized_images
return_dict[big_name] = image_resize_image_big(base64_source, avoid_if_small=avoid_resize_big, size=size_big)
File "/home/odoo/odoo12/odoo/odoo/tools/", line 168, in image_resize_image_big
return image_resize_image(base64_source, size, encoding, filetype, avoid_if_small)
File "/home/odoo/odoo12/odoo/odoo/tools/", line 66, in image_resize_image
if size == (None, None) or base64_source[:1] == b'P':
TypeError: 'Binary' object is not subscriptable

Any advice to overcome this problem please?
Thanks Andres
