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2 Replies

hi I try new dialog box in openerp? and which file I write source .py or .js HELP ME


To "add an error" you just raise an Exception... Can you detail what you want to achieve?

Best Answer

raise osv.except_osv(_('Error!'), _('Your error message.'))

from openerp.osv import fields, osv

def approved_update_button(self, cr, uid, ids,context=None):

    temp_line = self.pool.get('bom.template.dummy.line')
    sum = 0.0    
    for proj in self.browse(cr,uid,ids, context = context):
        project_ids =,uid,[('product_id','=',,('project_id','=',])
        for form in temp_line.browse(cr,uid,project_ids,context=context):
            if proj.product_id == form.product_id:
                sum = proj.qty + form.qty
                temp_line.write(cr, uid, [], {'qty':sum}) 
                self.write(cr, uid, [], {'state':'Accepted','action_made':'Updated','date_approved':'%Y-%m-%d')})

    if  temp_line.browse(cr, uid, project_ids, {'state':'Accepted'}):
       condition = 'yes' 
                raise osv.except_osv(_('Warning!'), _('Selected product is not in BOM or Reference and Product did not match.'))    
    return True

that is my sample code using error message i hope this will help :D


Thank you i use openerp 7.0 I can't find osv.except_osv do you teach me url.....?


OpenERP 7.0 [language skill] how to error message if 2 dropdownlist values are same. For example; if first dropdownlist value: English second dropdownlist value must be different English....dropdownlist1.value =English dropdownlist2.value=English ERROR msg in display,,,,dropdownlist1.value =English dropdownlist2.value=Japan NOTERROR msg in display HELP ME???

you can have if condition.. for example condition = 'no' for m in self.browse(cr,uid,ids, context = context): if m.yourdopdownlist != m.yourdopdownlist condition = 'yes' else: raise osv.except_osv(_('Warning!'), _('Duplicate value in youdropdownlistfield'))
try this if it will or just edit this code..


i copy this code so i where in paste .py , .osv, and i use def,,,Му source is corect or incorect???????

you will paste this in your .py inside the def that you are using for that dropdownlist..


def language_shalgah(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): condition = 'no' for m in self.browse(cr,uid,ids, context = context): if language_language_name != language_second_language_name condition = 'yes' else: raise osv.except_osv(_('Warning!'), _('Select other lanlauge????')) this is correct or incorrect that's error NO HANDLER FOUND help me

def language_shalgah(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): condition = 'no' for m in self.browse(cr,uid,ids, context = context): if m.language_language_name != m.language_second_language_name condition = 'yes' else: raise osv.except_osv(_('Warning!'), _('Select other lanlauge????')) try this..


hi paste that source in my .py file but "No handler found." error when I browse to openerp 7 my operation system is windows7 and my web browseer is google chrome what i do help me

Author Best Answer

hi paste that source in my .py file but "No handler found." error when I browse to openerp 7 my operation system is windows7 and my web browseer is google chrome what i do help me


my code is working for me.. i'm using ubuntu and mozilla..