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Hi, is it possible to add comments in the po files directly from the code ? Suppose I want to give a hint on the translation of a field name, can I do it from the odoo code ?

For instance I have this po generated :

#. module: child_compassion


msgid "A filter is active"

msgstr "Un filtre est actif"

Can I change the comments like this for instance ?

#.Field used in the view of Child where the user can select a filter

#: Some more comments...

msgid "A filter is active"

msgstr "Un filtre est actif"

Best Answer

A comment in a .po file is a line that start with ':.' and it's not followed by the 'module' string

You could do it like:

#. Field used in the view of Child where the user can select a filter
#. Some more comments..

yes but is it possible to generate comments from the python code like doing:

#PO: This comment will go in the po file

filter = fields.Char()

The translation engine that extract message translations from python is babel
Here is the explanation of how babel extract comments