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7 Replies

Hi all, I´m testing OpenERP v7 funcionalities and I have a question about project views. I have configured various project assuming that projects member can view only those projects where they are involved. Projects are configured as "only followers". The problems comes when team member cannot see the projects they are involved unless they the become also "followers" or the project becomes "public".

Is there anyway to cofigure rigth access so that project member can see by default the projects they are involved.

Thank you very much!!

Best Answer

Hi Mr. Oliver

create an access rule inside / settings--> security -- > Record Rules -->

select object ( project ) and put this code

['|',('members','in', []),('user_id','=',]

in Rule Definition (Domain Filter) field and fill other fields as you want and then see effect

add specific project user in project -- Team TAB



Thx for that answer!

Could you please have a look at this question:

how do we apply this specific rule to the project, i didnt understand last "add specific project user in project" line

Best Answer

Set the Privacy/Visibility to "Employees only" on the specific project. From here you have two options:

  • Create the following Record Rule in Settings --> Security --> Record Rules:
    • object/model: project.project
    • name: See team project only
    • domain:['&', ('privacy_visibility', 'in', ['employees']), ('members','in', [])]
    • apply for read: [x]
    • apply for write: [x]
    • apply for create: [x]
    • apply for delete: [x] Since it's a global rule, you shouldn't set any group restriction.


  • Edit Record Rule:
    • "Project: employees: public, portal, employees or following"
    • Domain: ['|','|', ('privacy_visibility', 'in', ['public', 'portal']), '&', ('privacy_visibility', 'in', ['employees']), ('members','in', []), '&', ('privacy_visibility', '=', 'followers'), ('message_follower_ids', 'in', [])]

Please note that I'm a newbie, but for me both solution worked.


Thanks for this. I tried the second option and it worked perfectly in v8

Best Answer

You can try with record rules on projects menu...

Best Answer

how can we enable both ,

-project members can see those projects

-followers can also see the project
