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I'm trying to do a fields.function in account.voucher.line that when the state of account.voucher change save some information in account.voucher.line. I've started just by saving one thing. But I'm facing some issues. I've done this code:

class account_voucher_line(osv.osv):
    _name = 'account.voucher.line'
    _description = 'Voucher Lines'
    _order = "move_line_id"
    _inherit = "account.voucher.line"

    def _get_invoice(self, cr, uid, ids, field_name, arg, context=None):
        result = {}

        import pdb #stop code to debug
        pdb.set_trace() #stop code to debug 

        ### In here "ids" is from account.voucher, I need the id from account.voucher.line   #

        return result    

    _columns = {
        'account_invoice': fields.function(_get_invoice, method=True, type="many2one", relation='account.invoice', store={'account.voucher': (lambda self, cr, uid, ids, ctx={}: ids , ['state'], 10),}, string="Invoice"),


1º : What I'm trying to do is possible? 2º : If so, how do I pass to the function the id(or another field) from account.voucher.line?

