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I am trying to figure out how to allocate the same expense to different dimensions - eg. departments and projects. For departments the expense will be allocated on the basis of number of employees in each department; for projects it will be allocated on the basis of time.

I read online that this can be done with tags - but not exactly how to do it.

All suggestions and directions to related resources are welcome.


Hello David,

Would you please share the resources describing this possibility?



Best Answer

This is a complex (and probably not realistic) example but will explain the principles and get you started. You need Odoo 10 Enterprise Edition.

Departments A and B.

  • A has 10 employees (40%).

  • B has 25 employees (60%).

Projects: 1, 2 and 3.

  • 1 takes 50% of time.

  • 2 takes 30% of time.

  • 3 takes 20% of time.

Electricity Bill:

  • $5,000.

GL Accounts:

  • Expenses.

Analytic Accounts:

  • Electricity.


  • Dept A.

  • Dept B.

  • Prj 1.

  • Prj 2.

  • Prj 3.

In Odoo you can tag an expense with as many tags as you want, but you can't split it - you must do this by creating multiple lines on the Invoice.  Since you want 20%, 30%, 40%, 50% and 60% of the amount allocated, you can split the line into four - 20%, 30%, 20%, 30%.

  • 20% of $5,000 ($1,000) to Department A and Project 1 and Project 3

  • 30% of $5,000 ($1,500) to Department B and Project 1 and Project 2

  • 20% of $5,000 ($1,000) to Department A

  • 30% of $5,000 ($1,500) to Department B

The Invoice lines (use a product or not, as you need to) will look like this:

Then your reports will look like this:


I sometimes prefer to allocate to a group tag (e.g. corporate, project AB, ...) and you resplit amount at the end of the month based on your percentages. It's easier than splitting costs at each invoice

Agreed. This may work better as often the split isn't known until month end (after sales, hours and pieces for the month are known)