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We have about 1000 customers in Odoo 8, but they do not have a Payment Term assigned. We created these terms, and now we want to assign them to our customer. Is there a way to bulk update them instead of updating one by one?

Can this be done via the web interface or can we do this in the database?




yout tilte says Odoo 8 and in your post you say Odoo 9. I guess that (Odoo 9) is a mistake?


Hi Gunnar, indeed I meant Odoo 8. I've edited the original post.

Best Answer

Use the export/import functionality from Odoo itself for this. In the GUI, select all the customers and click "More --> Export". How this is done can be found on this forum (what options need to be ticked etc.). Make sure that at least 1 partner has already got the right ID for the payment term selected. In that way you can easily see which ID needs to be used for all the other records.

Then open your file in Excel or something similair. Assign the right ID to all the records for the partner.

Once that is done, import the updated list in Odoo by clicking the "import" link/button on the list view of the partners. All the records that already exist will not be newly created, but changes will be overriden. Very handy in case you only need to change 1 or 2 fields, like in your example.

Hope this helps.
