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I'm trying to create a 'related field' in the BOM object that points to the quantity on hand in the product.product object.

I then know how to add this related field from the BOM object to the BOM view so I can see how many of each part we've got in stock.

I'm just struggling to create the related field in the BOM object. I'm following this route as it was advised in the answer to Simons question "how to display the quantity on hand for each entry in a bill of materials".

I'm pretty new to OpenERP, python & protege, but am familiar with database structure & interrogation using MySQL & php.

Any help gratefully received!


Best Answer


First of all, you should make custom module

I have made custom module for you as per your requirement,

See Following Link,

Download Test Module

 'qty_available': fields.related('product_id','qty_available',type='float', size=64, relation="product.product", string="Quantity", store=True),

Hope It work for you.


Thank you so much for your reply. I've been trying to implement this evening - however without success. Up until now I've made my modifications using the user interface (settings / user interface / views and settings / database structure / models). I'm assuming what you have posted I would add to a module? I'll try and read up on how I would write a module - in the meantime, is it possible to create a related field using the settings / database structure?

I'm following this this thread as it is a more accurately stated question for the general case of the problem we are trying to solve. Trevor seems you have also figured out how to add your custom field in the view of bom components as did I. It remains the case however that the missing part is this question about the definition of the custom field. Is there a fundamental limitation in the web interface to do what is required? Also Ghanshyam could you tell us what file the above code should be added to?

Hey Please see my updated answer and please mark my answer as solved if your problem is solved.


Help - what am I doing wrong? I'm trying to work out how to install the custom module. I've got a bog standard linux install running on a virtual machine. I know I need to put the module in 'addons'. The two places I can find that directory are '/usr/share/pyshared/openerp/addons' and '/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/openerp/addons'. I've tried unzipping the test_module and coping to both these folders. I've ensured permissions are the same as the other files in directory. Then I've restarted the VM, gone to settings / modules / update module list, but I cant find 'test_module'. Any Ideas? Sorry!

you should put this module under 'Openerp server/bin/addons'.

Hey Trevor, the path for my install is /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/openerp/addons, Also Ghanshyam's zip may unpack with an added level of directory you'll need to make sure the code is sitting directly under the test_module folder. In his code find the parameter store=False and change to True. In case you didn't know, you first click the update module list button, then go to view all modules (may default to filtering 'installed' so that filter needs to be removed), then you should see Ghanshyams module there. The view changes didn't address the part I wanted so i changed that manually.

+1 for going the extra mile and helping out with a test module. While I don't need this functionality myself, it was helpful to look at your code and do some learning. Great work.