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Hello all!

We want to change the default sort order in this view. Actually, thoses lines are sorted by name.

In the file ../openerp/addons/base/ir/, We have changed :

class ir_sequence(openerp.osv.osv.osv):

    _name = 'ir.sequence'
    _order = 'name'

for :

class ir_sequence(openerp.osv.osv.osv):

    _name = 'ir.sequence'
    _order = 'company_id'

and it works. the sequences are well sorted by company_id in our ir_sequence view :

But now, how could we overwrite ONLY this line ( _order = 'company_id') of the ir_sequence class? Do we have to override all the class?

We already have this in our custom module py file :

class not sure (openerp.osv.osv.osv):

    _name = 'not sure...'
    _order = 'company_id'
    _inherit = 'not sure....'

Could you help to complete? THANKS


Not getting clearly. You are talking about which line? Can you guide more?

Do you want to change the "_order", by inheriting?


Yes, i'm searching the SHORTEST override that I could have. My goal is only to change the default order of the view.

Best Answer

Hello Pascal Tremblay,

I guess you want to inherit the class and want to override _order.

You can override or add anything by inheriting the object. Following is the sysntax:

class xyz_xyz(osv.osv):
    _inherit = ''
    _order = 'field_name'

In the example (ir.sequence in your case) is the object name which you want to inherit and can change the sorting by changing the field in _order by default its ascending order. If you want sorting in descending order just write desc after field name in _order

_order = 'field_name desc'

If you want sorting based on more than one field write more fields' name and separate them by comma.

_order = 'field_name1 desc, field_name2 desc'

You can refer inheritance in details in documents: Inheritance in Odoo, Inheritance in V7 


It was EXACTLY what I needed. Thanks a lot misters!


Still a question. How could I sort (with _order) but INVERSED??? You know when we click two times on a column header to sort it.


It's here :