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Hi everybody,

How can we generate an Excel report from OpenERP using a template ?

I my case I have three sheets of data, just the first one that we fill, the other retrieve. I know that there are a few engine like Aeroo and Pentaho, but they doesn't take an excel file.

Suggest me an other module if exist. thank you in advance.

Best regards.

Best Answer

If you want create manually a report, you can create a simple csv file. Excel (or Calc if you love yourself) read the csv with no problem.

If you wanna use report engine, use Aeroo because is naturally integrated in Open/LibreOffice and you can use Calc to create the report.

If you want HERE you can find a my old example file. See how to insert code in the report


Can we use templates with Aeroo engine ?

Yeah, aeroo is made for this! :)


But the problem is that I can't put an Excel file in Input format to be exported later. It supports just ods format :/

You can use the ods template like you use the odt


So where can I get a sample ODS file, just retrieve one data, a help please


I read it, I get a damaged ods file, when I use odt it works well, I do the same thing with ods without any result, My question iw how is difficult to have a sample file (.ods) that loop on model res.partner and list just name, I think it will take three lines. a help please.

I updated answer with a link....see it


Thank you so much , My Last question is there a difference between Libreoffice and OpenOffice because I get a damaged File, My syntax is correct, so the problem is related to dependance with aeroo or with libreoffice or something else, I don't know, HELP

With OpenOffice I obtain errors. Use Libreoffice to create and manage reports.


Thank you Francesco Apruzzese

@SANOU when you insert a tag, in it you can put simple python code. Download aeroo sample module to understand how to insert and edit tag in odt file.

Yeah thanks @FRANCESCO my problem was with the "hyperlink" trick when dealing with .ods template !