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Our company is evaluating OpenERP for use.  We currently capture serial numbers in or ERP system only at time of product shipment. For example, the warehouse gets an order to ship 10 Product X and 5 Product Z, picks them off the shelf, and scans in 15 serial numbers. This links the specific serial numbers with the customer/sales order being shipped.

From what I have seen in OpenERP (with the product_serial module installed), the serial numbers must first exist in the database before they can be assigned, and then only if there is a single item per line. Is there a way to have the sales department enter an order for 10 X and 5 Z, and then let the Shipping department split/explode the 2 grouped line items into individual lines? And then, can serial numbers be entered without first existing in the database, by scanning a barcode for each serial number?


On the Delivery Orders screen, I see a button that looks like a page/piece of paper in the "Serial Number" column. Hovering over this icon shows the tooltip, "Manual Split". I think this is how you're supposed to split out individual lines for grouped products, but nothing happens when I click the button! All I get is a screen refresh.


Awesome! Thanks for the clear answer, complete with screenshots, Ray! I think one of the serial modules I had installed is causing the malfunction with the split button. The functionality works as expected on a clean installation. Hope you see this - I don't seem to be able to comment on other answers. Is that due to only having 4 karma?

I'm not sure of the reason why you can't comment on answers, but I suspect it is related to Karma. It seems logical if you can comment, you should be able to comment anywhere.

Best Answer

Serial numbers don't have to exist in the system before they can be assigned.

The shipping staff can split the lines into any quantity and enter serial numbers at the time of delivery.

You can (with a combination of the mouse navigating to the right field and a scanner configured to mimic keyboard entry of the number) enter the scanned serial number quickly, but you may want something more customized.


A screen refresh instead of the form above sound like an issue that is preventing you from getting this to work.  You probably need some help to make sure your system is setup and configured properly.  I would suggest evaluating a well running system (free) by registering at

My company would also offer to host a well configured system for you to evalute.  


For additional functionality related to serial numbers (expiry dates and so on) please refer to