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Hello I created a workflow and I deleted him. This workflow has to create a meeting object when a object is create. But now (workflow is delete) when I create a object I have an error message on the log file(in French, I'm sorry):

IntegrityError: ERREUR:  une instruction insert ou update sur la table « wkf_instance » viole la contrainte de clé étrangère « wkf_instance_wkf_id_fkey »
DÉTAIL : La clé (wkf_id)=(10) n'est pas présente dans la table « wkf ».

It's normal I deleted this workflow, but why the program still search him?

thanks for help (and sorry for my English).

Best Answer

If I remember correctly, wkf_instance is a table which contain a row per object associated to a workflow. It seems that it tries to create an entry which references the workflow you removed.

So the question is why ? Could you give us the full query which generates this error, and could you cgeck in the database that your workflow has correctly been removed ?


I've already checked that the entry has been removed and she is. This is the query : 'insert into wkfinstance (restype,resid,uid,wkfid) values (%s,%s,%s,%s) RETURNING id', (restype,resid,uid,wkf_id)

Did you restarted your server siince you deleted the workflow ?


No, but i just restart now and it's working. Thanks a lot.

Might be a cache-related issue.


I think so.