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7 Replies

I have managed to install odoo 8 on my own server, is there any tutorial howto instell the community versión of Odoo 9, that seems to be available at Any adapted installer scripts already or tutorial that sums up well required libraries to run odoo 9 on ubuntu (is 14.14 recommendet or 14.15?). Thanks a lot

Best Answer

I installed in this way.

#download and uncompress Odoo, change YYYYMMdd to match the name of your extracted Odoo folder

mkdir /opt/odoo
cd /opt/odoo
tar xvf odoo_9.0alpha1.latest.tar.gz
mv odoo-9.0alpha1-YYYYMMdd server

#install python-virtualenv if you don't have it, I use Ubuntu

apt-get install python-virtualenv -y

#install this libraries needed for correctly install the requirements

apt-get install libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev libldap2-dev libsasl2-dev libssl-dev -y
apt-get install postgresql-server-dev-X.Y

#create a virtualenv

mkdir -p /opt/virtualenv/odoo-9.0
virtualenv /opt/virtualenv/odoo-9.0

#activate the virtualenv

source /opt/virtualenv/odoo-9.0/bin/activate

#install Odoo v9 requirements

pip install -r /opt/odoo/server/requirements.txt


pip install flanker
pip install ofxparser

#deactivate the virtualenv


#install nodejs and require modules

apt-get install nodejs npm
ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node
npm install -g less
npm install -g less-plugin-clean-css

That's all I think. To run Odoo v9 using the virtualenv you have 2 options

1- Activate the virtualenv like before and run:

python /opt/odoo/server/ --config /path/to/config

2- Directly use the python in the virtualenv

/opt/virtualenv/odoo-9.0/bin/python /opt/odoo/server/ --config /path/to/config

The config file for Odoo is where you put Odoo options such as database conections options or add others addons modules to the addons path or specify other xmlrpc_port to run Odoo. Could be something like this:

admin_passwd = admin
db_host = localhost
db_port = 5432
db_user = odoo
db_password = odoo
xmlrpc_port = 8069
addons_path = /optodoo/server/openerp/addons,/opt/odoo/extra/addons
email_from =

In the addons_path option you could put a comma separated paths to addons folders

Hope this helps

Best Answer

You may check this link, might be useful: 

<==== Updated answer ===>

Hi Dieter, the above link was working when I was posting the answer first time. Anyway the installation is similar to that of v8, only difference is some additional python libraries, which you can easily install. There is a wonderful tutorial on v8 installation, you can just refer that: 

I am just extracting the major steps to set odoo 9 ready for development environment.

Step 1: Install and configure the database server, PostgreSQL

sudo apt-get install postgresql

Then configure the Odoo user on postgres:

First change to the postgres user so we have the necessary privileges to configure the database.

sudo su - postgres

Now create a new database user. This is so Odoo has access rights to connect to PostgreSQL and to create and drop databases. Remember what your choice of password is here; you will need it later on:

createuser --createdb --username postgres --no-createrole --no-superuser --pwprompt systemusername

Enter password for new role: ********

Enter it again: ********

You put the username of current logged in user.

Finally exit from the postgres user account:


Step 2: Install the system library as odoo 9 depends on node-less:

sudp apt-get install python-pip python-dev libevent-dev gcc libxml2-dev libxslt-dev node-less libldap2-dev libssl-dev

Step 3: Install the necessary Python libraries for the server.

The following command will install all the required libraries for Odoo 9.

cd /tmp && wget && sudo pip install -r requirements.txt

On the above step, if you get an error in between, some dependent library might be missing, so just install that missing library shown and redo the above step. (for eg: sudo apt-get install python-ldap)

Step 4: Download odoo 9

The last step is to download odoo 9 (branch 9.0) .zip file from:

Extract file, then in commandline, cd to the extracted odoo-9.0 directory and run as follows:

python --addons-path addons

step 5: http://localhost:8069/web

Run odoo 9

The above steps are minimal ones to run odoo 9 in development environment. For setting up in production, you can refer the above detailed tutorial link of theopenresourcerer. You just need to change the steps that download odoo file and libraries, other things you can follow the same.

If you have any issues with the installation, I can help you to resolve. (

Hope this helps!


the link is down, ....cpu exceeded...

Author Best Answer

I did that, but could not finish, here my observations following your guide:

1. once you wrote by accident 2 times apt-get install (that was easiest ;-).

2. pip install -r /opt/odoo/server/requirements.txt

throws: Error: You need to install postgresql-server-dev-X.Y for building a server-side extension or libpq-dev for building a client-side application.

I ignored and moved on

3. In lst step, what config file you mean? Howto locate it?

4. You missed to mention howto fire installation and what would be standard admin, since there was no step to put user or pass

Thanks for your help!


Let's fix it

The way to fire the installation ... I think that you mean how to use it. Just launch your browser and connect to the xmlrpc_port option value(default to 8069). For example: http://localhost:8069 At the beginning you should create a new Odoo database. This is the direct link to create and manage database: http://localhost:8069/web/database/manager

That would be awesome, I remembered to fire instalation by using port :8069 anyhow installation did not get there. 

On Sat, Jul 18, 2015 at 7:29 PM, Axel Mendoza <> wrote:

Let's fix it

Axel Mendoza
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Dieter Huelskamp

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You could change the value of xmlrpc_port in the config file or install a reverse proxy like nginx in front of Odoo