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I am trying to create custom filter to show the intervention of the current user.

 <record model="ir.ui.view" id="module.interventionVs">
<field name="model">module.intervention</field>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<filter name="my_intervention" string="My intervention" domain="[('partner', '=', user.partner_id)]"/>

but I didn't understand why I can access to user form the search filter domain.

I tryed "uid.partner_id" or "context.get('user').partner_id" but that didn't work.

How I can access to the current record of res.user to get the partner_id field ?

Best Answer


you might find a work around by subclassing the search method as explained here for the old API:


You\ may\ resolve\ your\ user\'s\ partner\_id\ and\ conceive\ a\ domain\ to\ expend\ arguments\ of\ the\ super\(\)\ search\ method\.\\

Hope\ this\ helps\.\
