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Hello all,

How to get the current logged user and roles at the xml view?

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Best Answer

If by XML view you mean is the view definition in XML, you can use the variable user in domain to get the logged user.  user.group_ids will contain the groups that the user belongs to.


Hello Ivan, I would want to get the current user roles in a tree view, so, is it possible to show the groups in a tree field? Something like: ...


(Sorry, it seems I cannot put symbols for major and minor than) [field name="user.group_ids"] [tree] ... [/tree] [/field]

Well, no you can't. You can create a function field for that. However, I am quite confused why you want to do that, because usually you don't want (other) user to know what access they have. Also, groups can inherit from other groups, you many need to handle that as well.

More on the function field. One of the argument is uid (or user) which is the logged in user. You can browse that ID and then get the group_ids from the browse object.


Well, I need the list of roles to make a field invisible for just one role. If the current user has that role he shouldn't be able to see some field. But if the user has also a manager role, he should be able to see that field. E.g: If some user has the role point_of_sale.group_pos_user isn't able to see procurement tab, but if he ALSO has the role purchase.group_purchase_manager, he can see that field.

Wouldn't it be easier to create one group, give the access to that group, and let every other groups but the one that you want to make the field invisible inherit from this group? Implementing negative access is more tricky than positive access. Say, if the user belong to that role and also other roles, does it mean that the field is invisible to the user or not?

And why don't you just give the access to the purchase.group_purchase_manager instead of making it invisible for point_of_sale.group_pos_user?


I would want to do so, but I need that group_purchase_manager OR group_sale_manager OR group_pos_manager OR group_warehouse_manager roles will be able to see that field. As you can see, there are 4 different users (each one with one of these roles) which will be able to see that field, but group_sales_ user OR group_pos_user will not. I couldn't set the groups attribute for the field to allow those roles with an "OR" for each of them, it will show the field if the user has all those roles I described below. So that's why I want to set an "invisible rule" for only some groups.

You should be able to set multiple groups for the fields and it will operate under OR operator, like: <field="name" groups="purchase.group_purchase_manager,sale.group_sale_manager,point_of_sales.group_pos_manager,stock.group_warehouse_manager">. Note that the groups need to have a full XML ID (including their module name).


Thank you Ivan, but I come to try that, with the same groups you put below, and it only shows me the field 'name' if I assign the role sale.group_sale_manager for the user. The groups list is not working under OR operator.. I think it's only taking the first group as argument. Do you think something like this could work?:


<field="name" attrs="{'invisible':[|(purchase.group_purchase_manager,sale.group_sale_manager,point_of_sales.group_pos_manager,stock.group_warehouse_manager}">


oh, sorry, it should be something more like this: <field="name" attrs="{'invisible':[(point_of_sales.group_pos_user), '&', '!', (purchase.group_purchase_manager,sale.group_sale_manager,point_of_sales.group_pos_manager,stock.group_warehouse_manager)}"> I will try this, but I think it will not work since those objects are not part of the model. if I could use the domain with something like 'invisible': [(uid.groups, 'in', 'point_of_sale.group_pos_user, .....')] and so on, it would be the best for me.. That's why I need the user roles at my view..

point_of_sale.group_pos_user, etc are XML IDs you cannot use it directly using 'in' comparison operator. It need to be translated to database ID first - something that I don't know how to do within attrs. On the groups attribute, we have been using that to control the access to the field. Not sure what prevented your instance from doing so (also sale.group_sale_manager is not the first group in the list that I've given for example). Another trick that you can try is to create a new group, give the access to this field to that new group, and let purchase.group_purchase_manager, sale.group_sale_manager, point_of_sales.group_pos_manager, stock.group_warehouse_manager groups inherits from this new group.