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5 Replies

Need to filter product in sale order line based on selected PriceList, I have tried the below module but it's not working...

Anyone can help on this?


Hello Waleed Mohsen,

you have apply domain for this ?


Thanks Manish, I already applied domain to pricelist_id but I see error in log file say: you canot search by this column so I'm looking for another way to apply this.

Ok, Can you tell me your process i think i will help you.

like you have added column related to price list in Inventory or sale order line ?


Thanks Manish. I have a list of price lists and each list for specific products and when my user create a sale quotation line and add product, I want him only choose from products in the selected pricelist in the header.

I have reviewed the below module and it's working only for pricelists applied for product variant (I modified it to be worked for pricelists applied to product) but when click on search more link in product drop down list a search screen will be shown but when I search I got an error.

You can install this module and create a price list and add some product variant and then from quotation select the pricelist and in line you will see that the product field show only the product in price list but try to click on search more and search for anything you will get an error.

Best Answer

Hey, I got the same problem too. Have you resolved this?

