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Hi,. While printing my custom invoice report the following error occured. When i have only 6 item in the invoice no error will be generated, But this errror occurs while the invoice have more than 6 product ., i have a maximum of 10 - 15 products.

 LayoutError: Flowable <LongTable@0xAEAA882C 1 rows x 1 cols> with cell(0,0) containing
"<LongTable@0xAE039E2C 1 rows x 1 cols> with cell(0,0) containing\n'<Paragraph at 0xae039f2cL>TIN : 32010823495'"(474.0 x 853.0) too large on page 2 in frame u'first'(526.582677165 x 838.393700787*) of template None
2014-03-12 05:23:25,710 2228 ERROR ovalblue2802_updated openerp.netsvc: Flowable <LongTable@0xAEAA882C 1 rows x 1 cols> with cell(0,0) containing
"<LongTable@0xAE039E2C 1 rows x 1 cols> with cell(0,0) containing\n'<Paragraph at 0xae039f2cL>TIN : 32010823495'"(474.0 x 853.0) too large on page 2 in frame u'first'(526.582677165 x 838.393700787*) of template None
(<class 'reportlab.platypus.doctemplate.LayoutError'>, LayoutError('Flowable <LongTable@0xAEAA882C 1 rows x 1 cols> with cell(0,0) containing\n"<LongTable@0xAE039E2C 1 rows x 1 cols> with cell(0,0) containing\\n\'<Paragraph at 0xae039f2cL>TIN : 32010823495\'"(474.0 x 853.0) too large on page 2 in frame u\'first\'(526.582677165 x 838.393700787*) of template None',), <traceback object at 0xb1e38fa4>)