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We are just finishing up our OpenERP 7 site. When going from a quote to a sale I click the "Confirm Sale" button I get an error message. 

Here is the stacktrace (Sorry. I don't know how to format it.):

File "/opt/openerp/server/openerp/addons/delivery/", line 140, in <lambda> 'weight_uom_id': lambda self,cr,uid,c: self._get_default_uom(cr,uid,c) File "/opt/openerp/server/openerp/addons/delivery/", line 138, in _get_default_uom return self.pool.get('product.uom').search(cr, uid, [('category_id', '=', uom_categ_id),('factor','=',1)])[0] IndexError: list index out of range

Best Answer

The error tells us that the report is trying to look for a suitable UoM (most likely for an order line) but it is unable to find any.

Make sure all your lines have a valid UoM that confirms to those desired settings, then try again.


Thanks for the response! The product in the line item has a valid UoM (or at least I believe it is). I have tried it with a few different products with different UoM and still the same error. I get the same error when ever I try to add stock. I even tried to make a new product and got the same error when trying to add to the stock, even before I clicked the create. button.

Alright, but do you have any lines that do NOT have a product? Because in that case, the error may also appear. The error simply means that a search for a suitable UoM did not come up with any result. Furthermore, it hasn't really got anything to do with the sale order itself, but more with the stock move it is trying to create. I still believe this to be some sort of configuration error. Perhaps a reference UoM was removed from the system?


For a potential fix, can I reinstall the stock module? Or is there a place I can hire someone to take a look at it? Is there a place that I can find Odoo/OpenERP tech consultants that can spend a few hours working out the kinks?