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6 Replies

In the last version of Odoo (8.0), the javascript code generated by Odoo for Google Analytics doesn't work any more (no stats are returned by Google Analytics)

After investigating, I found the error (in website_templates.xml) :
Instead of :
 ga('create', '<analytics-id>', 'auto');
the new version of Odoo generates :
ga('create', _.str.trim('<analytics-id>'), 'auto');

which causes an error in Google analytics stat generation



I have some problem here... it's obvious just remove '_.str.trim' will works again. but I think we should fix the problem the right way. Have you find a better way to fix that?


Post an issue on Github

it's fixed as per 12-01-2015 on github. Don't know if it's already in master.

it's fixed as per 12-01-2015 on github. Don't know if it's already in master.

Best Answer

You can easily fix it by editing website_templates.xml with a text editor.

This file is located in your_path_to_odoo/addons/website/views/website_templates.xml (For example: /opt/openerp/odoo/appserver-dts-v8/parts/odoo-8.0-20150210/openerp/addons/website/views/website_templates.xml)

To have access to this path you need to be connected in SSH with a tool sush as Bitvise SSH Client.

Best Answer

How do we get the fix for this? Thanks in advance.
