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hello everyone this is my first post here 
i really can't find help anywhere 

so i'm having a form to insert login, password and an URL to an Alfresco server and a "Test Connection" button to call a python method which try to login the user using the given data. everything works fine right now

what I want is to disable the default behavior of the button click, which is saving the record to the database 

is there anyone knows how to achieve this ? 

This is the model 

class AlfrescoConfig(models.Model):

        _name = 'alfresco.config'

         _description = 'Alfresco Configuration'

         name = fields.Char('Instance name',required=True)

         baseUrl = fields.Char('Base Url', required=True)

         username = fields.Char('Login', required=True)

         password = fields.Char('Password',required=True)


     def checkConnection(self):

            client = ShareClient(url=self.baseUrl, debug=1)



<record model="ir.ui.view" id="alfrescoConfigFormView">

     <field name="name">alfresco.add.config</field>

     <field name="model">alfresco.config</field>

     <field name="arch" type="xml">

         <form string="AlfrescoAddInstance">  

         <field name="name" class="oe_inline" /> <newline />

         <field name="username" /> <newline />

         <field name="password" password="True" /> <newline />

         <field name="baseUrl" placeholder="e.g. http://localhost:8080" colspan="4" /> <newline />

         <button name="checkConnection" colspan="2" type="object" class="oe_highlight" string="Test Connection"/>



anyone ?!