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I need to create a new View which can´t be editable and the button Create has to be disabled, but the Import should stay.
With create = "false" the import option is disabled too, is there any option to keep it or I need to create a new button which makes the same action?
I use Odoo 8.
My code:

<record id="historic_quote_sale_order_tree_view" model="ir.ui.view">                
    <field name="name">historic.tree</field>               
    <field name="model"></field>               
    <field name="arch" type="xml">                   
        <tree string="Historic Sale Form" create="false" edit="false">                           
            <field name="id_offer_register"/>                           
            <field name="id_offer"/>                           
            <field name="num_offer"/>                           

Thanks in advance.


I'm asking myself the same question, if you found something

still waiting if anyone able to do this