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1- Question

I had the following:

_columns = {
          'name': fields.char('the name', size=100, required=True),
          'date': fields.datetime('the date'),

I changed to

_columns = {
          'name': fields.char('the name', size=100),
          'date': fields.datetime('the date'),

And no matter what I do (Uninstall the application, update the application) it continues to be Required the field. I cleaned my cache since ever, did CTRL+F5 and nothing changes.

2 - How to install openERP in my website? There's any tutorial or something? Imagine I have: and I would like:, what do I need to do? Any tutorial? My server needs to mandatorily support postgreSQL? http:// Is here where I configure the server info, then I copy the entire folder to the FTP server??

Thanks in advance


you should look inside the xml view, if the field name has the attribute required = "True", in case there was, remove it, update the view and the field is free.


First of all thanks,

But the answer is no..i didn't even know it was possible to put "Required = "True"" in xml. I only did that requirement in the python code.

Can you answer me to the second question? Thanks!!

When you update the module do you use the web interface? If so it doesn't usually work (at least for me update from web interface never worked). When you restart your server from command line add parameter -u [module name] to really update your module or -u all if you want to update all modules.

@Karlos, if you have a linux server follow this guide, is in Italian ,but if you use google translator, and follow this step by step it work fine!! (link text)


@Laura Jarvenpaa, I never reboot my server by command line. Maybe is that the problem..I'll give a try, thanks. @archetipo, Thanks mate!