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I have a client who has a customer that is disputing the amount of an invoice.

I would like to mark this invoice as disputed so that credit control doesn't chase for payment until the dispute is resolved.

I can see on the Partner Balance report that there is a column for this, what I can't see is how to actually mark an individual invoice as disputed so that it appears in this column.

Can anyone help me on what modules and settings I would need to activate please ?

Best Answer

You can add the field blocked to the Receivables & Payables screen as follows:

<record model="ir.ui.view" id="view_move_line_tree_extn"> <field name="name">account.move.line.tree.extension</field> <field name="model">account.move.line</field> <field name="inherit_id" ref="account.view_move_line_tree"/> <field name="arch" type="xml"> <xpath expr="/tree/field[@name='reconcile']" position="after"> <field name="blocked" string="On Hold" readonly="False"/> </xpath> </field> </record>


Also, the checkbox does appear on the Journal Item representing the AR debit. Just open it in form view and check the box at the bottom next to 'No Follow-up' to indicate you are 'in dispute'.


Thank you for your help, I have it working now