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I have a custom field like this below.

class res_partner(osv.osv): _inherit = 'res.partner'

_columns = {
    'mycol': fields.char('MyCol', size=16, help='My Col')

mycol does not show up in the list of fields available to import/export.

Is this not possible? Do I need to add something to my column to make it compatible?

Best Answer

Are you sure you have installed the module? Otherwise you cannot export it.

In my project, I have made several modules, one of them extends res.partner. When selecting the partners, I can export my own fields.

You have to look for the name you gave it in the definition, not the fieldname. In your example, look for MyCol, instead of mycol.


Thanks Patrick, there must have been a different (perhaps compilation) problem due to other editing, as now that I've gone back to recheck, MyCol is has appeared where it wasn't before. Am learning to keep a very close eye on the log file! Thanks.