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3 Replies

Is it possible to customize the check printing report in the Cloud version of Odoo? 

The default PDF resulting from printing checks is not compatible with the check paper stock that we have. (We happen to have the three-section voucher style checks). My understanding is that to customize the checks, it is necessary to edit account_check_writing.report_check.

It appears that this is not possible through the user interface using the cloud version of Odoo? I am looking for confirmation as to whether this is the case. 

Cheers, Steve

Best Answer

Yes you may use the check printing feature on the SaaS version.  Checks are just a QWeb report which you can edit to suit your needs.

There is a good thread on customizing checks and one on the QWeb report engine.

Author Best Answer

Replying to my own question I can report the following: I've made good progress and was able to move the date, and check amounts, and address to the proper locations. Here is what was most useful:

  1. I changed the paper format to match the paper that you are using. 
  2. To avoid the blank space at the top, it was necessary to edit the paper format (settings -> reports -> paper format), and set the top margin to 0 mm. (Not yet sure how negatively this will impact my other reports, but I was not able to overcome the margin issue  directly from the Qweb report). 
  3. To position fields on the report, I found it was by far most useful to use CSS postion:absolute, for example,

               <!-- Check Amount, Numeric-->
               <span style="position:absolute;left:738px;top:139px;" t-esc="formatLang(o.amount)"/>

Now here are my outstanding requirements: 

a) I'd like to include line breaks in the address, before the city name. I'm finding the default code for the address difficult to read (the section after t-field-options):

<address style="position:absolute;left:62px;top:190px;" t-field="o.partner_id" t-field-options="{&quot;widget&quot;: &quot;contact&quot;, &quot;fields&quot;: [&quot;address&quot;, &quot;name&quot;], &quot;no_marker&quot;: true, &quot;no_tag_br&quot;: true}"/> 


b) I'd like to include the invoice number in the table under the description heading. I imagine this is a field that exists in o.line,  but I haven't been able to find the documentation that provides me with the descriptions of the fields. I found this source of documentation that may be the best spot to look:, but I've not yet been able to find how to extract the invoice number from o.line. 





One upvote for updating your question... However you may want to start a new thread on the two questions since you posted them as an answer and people probably will not find them to help you. Now that you have more than 20 karma points, remember to mark as accepted answers that are correct for your question. (Not asking that you accept my answer just a reminder).

Best Answer

for information,there is a module to prink check at canadian format, see :
