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I'm a newbie in Odoo v8 development and I'm following the different tutorials from Odoo webpage.

My question is related to create my own tree, form, calendar, kanban, ... views and not to use the Odoo predefined views.

When I create a view (view.xml) for a module, I can associate a menu to an action and an action to one or more views.

<act_window id="action_todo_task"
name="To-do Task"
view_mode="tree,form" />

Then, I can create a record in the view.xml file to show the Odoo predefined tree view with different fields from my module

 <record id="view_tree_todo_task" model="ir.ui.view">
      <field name="name">To-do Task Tree</field>
      <field name="model">todo.task</field>
      <field name="arch" type="xml">
          <field name="name"/>
          <field name="is_done"/>

When i clic in the menu, I can see the tree view. The Odoo graphic interface has some buttons to activate the differents view (tree, form, kanban, ...)

What I need to know is whether I can create my own tree view (or form, kanban, calendar, ...) as a normal page with CSS, HTML and JavaScript.

Is it possible creating a qweb template?. In this case, how I can refer to my model fields (from the .py file) from the template?.

And how I can associate an action menu to my personalized qweb template view?.

I know that they are many difficult questions, but I would appreciate any help to follow my learning.



Did you have alook there :


I have already read two of the Odoo official tutorials for developers. But I want to personalize the default views. For instance, in the default gantt view, I want to display hours instead days in the top section of the gantt.