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I would like to customize the Project Task model's user_id field , so that it only allows to select only from the Task project's team members.

I already tried adding this to the field in the form's XML:


But no success. Any suggestions?


You can use the role in group to do this.


Role in group? I'm not familiar with that.

You access menu Settings - Users - Groups. In group which you want to fix, do this on tab Rules (add new rule with "Rule Definition (Domain Filter)"). Link:

any other simpler solution for this question?

Best Answer

Hi Daniel,

what is overriding "onchange_project(project_id)" method and adding: domain for user_id there? you have the project_id so you can load the members and can add the list in return

As i read correctly onchange methods can return not only values and warning but also "domain"

EDIT i just test my idea with a short modul for OpenERP 7 and it works, look at the code:

from openerp.osv import fields, osv
from openerp.addons.base_status.base_stage import base_stage

class task(base_stage, osv.osv):
    _name = "project.task"
    _inherit = "project.task"

    def onchange_project(self, cr, uid, id, project_id, context=None):
        if project_id:
            project = self.pool.get('project.project').browse(cr, uid, project_id, context=context)
            members = []            
            for m in project.members:
            if project and project.partner_id:
                return {'value': {'partner_id':},
                        'domain': {'user_id':[('id','in',members)]}}
            return {'domain': {'user_id':[('id','in',members)]}}
        return {}


Greetings Markus


Nice hack. I wish there could be a simpler solution though. But if there isn't I'll try that. +1

Daniel, I use this hack to because I found no working domain filter to do the job ...

This won't work when the project has not been changed. i.e opening an existing record in form view. In this case, one can select any user as member...

any other simpler solution for the above question other than this one?