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The email templating system is a mistery to me and judging from the forum questions, I'm not the only one

Here are a few things I am really missing:

  1. In quotation form view, if partner has "Incoming email only" setting, he will not receive ANY email regardless of the template you use when using the wizard that pops up in "Send by Email" button.My personal research (not very thorough) reveals that the client receives the email only because he is in the followers section which uses a standard email template not the one you pick. What is the relevance of partners to notify then?

  2. Reply-to address even if it is hardcoded in the template does not go through, I've set the "Reply-To" field to a hardcoded value in ALL email templates and even the emails that got sent by virtue of the point just mentioned above, had no reply-to set to them and when they arrived in the inbox it replied to the sender address

  3. This I have no researched well enough but when you send a quotation via email and they reply back (I just entered the address manually because of the point mentioned above) the email after it has been fetch updates the documents and notifies everyone in the followers section.This means that if the client has "Incoming emails and discussions" set, they will receive by email back their own reply.I have seen bits of code that are supposed to prevent this from happening but I could be wrong

Would anyone please shed some light on these factors?


I have exactly the same problem ... email templates vs. followers vs. mail compose wizard .. all of them have different information. Seems like only the body/subject/attachments is taken from the email templates ... I disabled customer portal (I do not want automatic emails sent to customers)


To disable "automatic" emails means to set the "Receive By Email" property on the client to "None" or choose "Opt-out".

What happens is that any activity in the social chatter or send by email is passed on to all the followers and depending on their setting they receive an email or notification

Author Best Answer

Upon further investigation this is conclusion that I have come up with (You can test for yourself)

  1. Reply-To address in email_templates just doesn't work and is not being passed to the email sent (sending e-mails manually from Settings->Email->Email with reply-to does)

  2. When using the Send by Email button in the quotation form view it does not work like a regular e-mail client as one might think (Place addresses on top to send to and send to those addresses only)

What is does is it sends the e-mail to all followers regardless of what is setup in the top bar, the only difference is that if you place a new e-mail address on top "Partners to notify" it creates a new partner, adds it to the followers and sends to all followers of the documents (depending on their settings to receive e-mails)

So if you have 10 followers with Receive Emails and Discussions setting, Sending by Email with Partners to notify set only to the customer in question will in fact send out to everyone

Can't say much about using the "To:" field in e-mail templates instead of partners to notify, I have a suspicion it doesn't work either

Hope this helps anyone
