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Hi All,

I am facing a configuration problem with OpenERP Leave Management app. I have created few users (User1,User2,Manager1,Manager2) and assign permission like below


User1 [Access right : HR / Employee ] ( User1's manager is Manager1) Manager1 [Access right : HR / Officer ]


User2 [Access right : HR / Employee ] ( User2's manager is Manager2) Manager2 [Access right : HR / Officer ]

The problem is, when User1 is applying a leave both the managers (Manager1 and Manager2 ) are getting the request (Leave Request to Approve). I already set manager for User1 as Manager1 and User2 as Manager2 in the Employee configuration (Human Resource/Employee/Position). Is there anyway I can set a restriction that only the respective managers are able to see their subordinates leave request ?

Regards, JK


I created Record Rule for Object "Leave" and solved the issue.

Rule Definition : ['|',('employee_id.user_id','=',,('employee_id.parent_id.user_id','=',] I got this reference from OpenERP forum

Hello, I am not able to achieve this yet. Is there anything else I that you have not mentioned in comment which solved this problem? I want to set managers of different teams to approve team member's leave. Mangers are not HR manager but they are managers of other departments. I don't want HR person to approve leave. Can you please help?