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In Odoo 10 POS,i have created a Popup window , Data displayed from model "stock.production.lot" in Grid.

Model Called like below code using "web_client.do_action" 

display_lot_popup: function() {

var order_line = this.get_selected_orderline();

 if (order_line){ var pack_lot_lines = order_line.compute_lot_lines();

var product = this.get_selected_orderline().product;

web_client.do_action({ name: _t("Select serial number for:" + product.display_name),

type: "ir.actions.act_window",

res_model: "stock.production.lot",

views: [[false, "list"],[false, "tree"]],

target: 'new',

flags:{ action_buttons:true, search_view:true, list: {'selectable': true} },

domain: [['product_id','=',]], }); }


I can list the data from model. 

I have selected a row and want to do the save action :

<button accesskey="s" class="btn btn-primary btn-sm o_list_button_save" type="button"> Save </button>

$(".o_list_button_save").click(function () {

alert('test') });

But click doesn't work .
