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How can I do this?

Thank you.

Best Answer


Could you please add more information about your request ?

What do you want to do with POS ticket ?

If you configure your printer ciorrectly, the ticket could take the whole width. If I remember well, I set the width 95%

About logo : do you want to add your own company logo or a logo on POS ticket ?

For company logo, go to Configuration -> Companies -> edit your company and double-click on default logo, then upload your own logo and save the form.

Best regards


It was a Chrome problem if I set in the print preview no margin the problem is solved and the ticket takes the hole of the width. But it leaves a high white space on top margin I can't solve. Someone with the same problem?

About logo, yes I am talking about putting my company logo on POS ticket.

Thank you so much Thierry.

Hello ! Ticket in POS is in XML file. If you are familiar with HTML syntax then you can scroll xml file in the point of sale module and there is <t t-name="PosTicket"> section. From there you can change your ticket contents. You can simply put <img> tag and you can add image/logo also.