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 I'm trying to change the form view that opens by default when we click (add a new item) in stock picking form view in move_lines (it opens stock move form view).

I've inherited stock move form view and added a field and it's my view that opens when opening Stock Moves from the left side menu. But when clicking add new item in picking it opens the original stock move form view without my field.

I've tried adding higher priority.But it didn't work

 <field eval="1" name="priority"/>

I'v also tried to override the original view instead of just inheriting it. It didn't work as well.

<record id="stock.view_move_form" model="ir.ui.view">

I've also tried to specify the view_id in the move_lines field in stock picking view as said here, but also not working.

<field name="move_lines" context="{'form_view_ref': my_module.my_view_id}"/>

How can I make it open my view when creating a stock move form inside the picking?
