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Hello all,

I'm trying to install expense tracker to add my expenses to Odoo, I've found this module Expense Tracker, witch should do the job. But when I'm trying to install it I get this error: 

ParseError: "External ID not found in the system: product.product_category_all" while parsing /opt/odoo/addons/hr_expense/hr_expense_data.xml:16, near <record id="cat_expense" model="product.category"> <field name="parent_id" ref="product.product_category_all"/> <field name="name">Expenses</field> </record>

Can anybody suggest how to fix this?

Thank you,

Best Answer

Edit the manifest file


and comment 'data / hr_expense_data.xml'

That should work.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.

'name': 'Expense Tracker',
'version': '2.0',
'category': 'Human Resources',
'sequence': 95,
'summary': 'Expenses Validation, Invoicing',
'description': """
Manage expenses by Employees

This application allows you to manage your employees' daily expenses. It gives you access to your employees’ fee notes and give you the right to complete and validate or refuse the notes. After validation it creates an invoice for the employee.
Employee can encode their own expenses and the validation flow puts it automatically in the accounting after validation by managers.

The whole flow is implemented as:
* Draft expense
* Submitted by the employee to his manager
* Approved by his manager
* Validation by the accountant and accounting entries creation

This module also uses analytic accounting and is compatible with the invoice on timesheet module so that you are able to automatically re-invoice your customers' expenses if your work by project.
'website': '',
'depends': ['hr_contract', 'account', 'web_tour'],
'data': [
'demo': ['data/hr_expense_demo.xml'],
'installable': True,
'application': True,

Best Answer


check the Id is already in your database 'make sure you have Technical Features in your access rights'

go to Settings->Technical->Sequences & Identifiers->External Identifiers. then search for product_category_all


Author Best Answer

Ahmed, thank you for your reply,

Because of lack of carma, I can't comment on your answer, but no, there's no such entry.


Strange ! I'll suppose it has been deleted manually ... just create a new one with these data: Module: product Model name: product.category External Identifier: product_category_all then try to install the module


Hey, did it, but still the same error is comming up. Signed out and signed in again, also resarted odoo server... But the problem persists. Any idea why?

Hey, kindly check the products category is 'All' category exists ? ... any way try to make a new database then just install Expense Tracker [ hr_expense ] just to make sure this is not a manually error and see what will happen ....