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Hi, when creating a many2many relationship like in the following example.

'tag_ids': fields.many2many("task.tags", "task_tags_rel", "task_id", "tag_ids", string="Task Tags"),

The framework creates the relation table "task_tags_rel". As a result, I don't have any model for that particular table as I have for the rest of the others. I need to have some extra fields in the relation table "task_tags_rel" as a result of that relation allowing me to have a model I can create a view for. Can I create a model out of the relation table in a many2many relationship?





I found a work-around for what I wanted to do. Although I know a model can't be made out of the many2many relation table at present time I'd have liked to hear from someone going through the same experience. Thanks jgonzalez

Best Answer

Just create the model you need, and give it a one2many field for table A and one2many field for table B. Your model will then be your many2many link between table A and table B, if you want tou can even write some methods to get all Table B record ids given a Table A record id and viceversa.
