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I have a problem doing a method, it turns out that I want to make a ledger but the code I try to do does not work for me, the idea is that with a date filter it shows me the account and all the movements, for this I have a table that contains All the data I need. The document detail table contains the debit and credit along with the company id and the id account, as well as the date the movement was made. As I said before I tried to make a code that would call me that data to the pdf report but it did not work, can you guide me how to solve the problem please.

class Reportledger (models.AbstractModel):

_name = 'reports.project_rc.ledger_view'

def _get_report_values ​​(self, docids, data = None):
    start_date = data ['form'] ['start_date']
    end_date = data ['form'] ['end_date']

    docs = []
    document_detail = self.env ['project_rc.detail_document']. search ([
        ('date', '> =', start_date.strftime (DATETIME_FORMAT)),
        ('date', '<=', end_date.strftime (DATETIME_FORMAT)),
        ('title', '=',,
        ('name', '=',,
        ('debit', '=', total_debit),
        ('credit', '=', total_credit),

        docs.append ({
            'title': self.detail_document.account_id.title,
            'must': detail_document.total_debit,
            'credit': detail_document.total_credit,

    return {
        'doc_ids': data ['ids'],
        'doc_model': data ['model'],
        'start_date': start_date,
        'end_date': end_date,
        'docs': docs,
